I got a first-timer out to the range.

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Sep 27, 2003
Grand Rapids, MI
He'd never even shot a real gun before. A 26 year old man (married) who grew up in the relatively high-crime area of Flint Michigan. I worked with him for about a year before I left the company for greener pastures. We kept in contact and everybody in the office figured out I was a shooter after a while. Finding a copy of "Combat Handgunning" next to my Bible in the backseat of my car while driving to lunch pretty much gave it away.

We kept in contact and he purchased a new house recently -- which is right on the way to the local shooting range for me. So, the last time I was over there (for a house warming party) I mentioned that to him. A few days later he sent a message to me asking to tag along the next time I went out shooting. Hoorah!

Called him up today, asked him if he wanted to go and it was on. Gathered up an AR-15, AK-47, Mosin Nagant M44 and a Glock M21 and headed out the door with -plenty- of ammo.

After a brief review of the rules of safety at his house (along with a short manual of operations on the weapons) we're cocked, locked and ready to rock. He tried the AK, then the Mosin Nagant, then the AR and a little bit of back and forth with the AK and AR. After a while I got the feeling he had things down pat so let him take his pick (which was the AR) and I went chugging along with my Mosin for a bit. Good time was had by all. We put 50 rounds through the Glock a bit latter. By now though we're getting pretty cold (this is Michigan -- around 30-35 degrees today) so our aim is way off and we're getting uncomfortable. Boy, did he like that AR though.

The little 10 year old kid wandering arould while he dad shot skeet was fun too. His eyes just bugged out of his head when he saw the AR-15. Told him if he dad told me it was okay I'd let him shoot it. Kid was afraid it'd kick too hard though. I hope he votes when he's 18.

On the drive him: He's thinking about buying a handgun for HD. Yes, a shotgun would be better, but his wife (at this point) is pretty much anti-gun so the smaller the better. Out of sight, out of mind.

His wife is going to hate me pretty soon. :evil:
You're an evil man GigaB, to plant the seeds of self reliance into, not just one, but TWO members of society...:D
I'm quite certain that his better half will soon have a GigaBuist voodoo doll stuffed with sharp, pointy little pins and needles.
Congrats fine sir.
Its a great day in Michigan.
Go with your friend to the Gunstore when he finally decides to spend a little of her hard earned money... but make sure that he learns and masters the strategy of buying his missus a little something to ease the pain. That way, she can hate you while being grateful at the same time (Keep em confused I always say... they confuse me all the time)
Well, that didn't last long. Asked him via MSN today about going to the gun show this weekend (good chance to feel a lot of different models) and found out his wife totally veteod the handgun idea.

I shouldn't be surprised. Last time I was over there I bent over to take off my shoes and a cigar in a glass cylinde feel out of my jacket pocket -- she heard it hit and I quickly nabbed it for fear of it breaking and stuffed it back into the pocket. I got one of those "you've done something wrong" looks from the woman as she asks me "You don't have a gun, do you? No guns in this house."

"Not on me. " :evil:

He's pretty wishy-washy with his wife, so I don't know if he'll ever bring it up again. Time to order some pistol ammo in bulk to get this guy addicted :)
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