I got a red-light ticket from a camera. BS flag!

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OK. Enough of who should and shouldn't be, or is and isn't worthy of getting a ticket. That's over the line. Every one of us, including me, is guilty of speeding, not wearing a seat belt . . . and LOTS of other things that we don't get caught and punished for.

The point is, red light camera's ain't about punishment, or cracking down on speeding, or getting people who speed off the road. If it were, there'd be points and reporting to insurance. Its about revenue. Period. Just like a parking meter. OK. And the companies that install these things DO in fact get a cut of the take.

You guys jumping up and down about how its anything other, get off your high horses. This is an intrusion, no different than if we were to use those nice electronics in your cars to broadcast when you are speeding and send you a bill at the end of the month.

No more of this "you nasty, red light runner" crap. The only people who can challenge the validity of a law is someone charged with violating it. So, ya, FTF is in fact the perfect person to challenge it because, he has standing.

Anyone else who decides to debate this on any other terms besides cordial discussion will have a conversation with me about his desire to remain a member of this community. We will not tolerate personal attacks. I'm very close to that point right now with a few posters in this thread. . . . :scrutiny:
DRMMR02 said: Are there not also THR guidelines about advocating the breaking of laws?

And you're the one who will sit in judgement? We will lock it down if we feel its inappropriate and advocates law-breaking.

Enough. Either detach yourself from this emotionally and continue to debate this without attacking FTF, or remove yourself from it entirely if you cannot.

Or, we have option 3 . . . Do not continue this line of attack DRM.

calling out someone to "be a man" is hardly high road type of disscussion.
telling someone to stop whineing is rude. (& in this case incorrect)
how do you know FTF is a man?
one of our banned members got that way by telling a woman "to be a man".

I run red lights, I speed, I pass people who are driving to darn slow!

I drive like a man and I think FTF does too.
1. England has a longer history of these cameras than we do here in the U.S. There is thus more data to support the findings of one study, already done, that these cameras cause rear-end-impact wrecks. People see or remember the cameras, and slam the brakes. This leads to more neck injuries. Ergo, those proposing the cameras are causing more injuries.

2. Costs: First, TANStAAFL. It will take some money to cause the necessary publicity to get rid of these cameras. Take out an ad in the paper, to both advocate clogging the courts by requesting a jury trial (which costs more to the city than they'd get from the fine) and asking other "victims" to contact you. Write letters to editors, doing the same.

3. More publicity: Are there "counter culture" newspapers in your area? Talk to them. Try to find a local media type to interview you about it, both print and TV. Contact the local radio talk show folks.

You need to find the specific people who advocated this in the city council meetings, including in your campaign that Councilperson Doofus is so greedy for revenues that he/she/it is unconcerned about the pain and suffering of the citizenry from the wrecks caused by this greedy, uncaring Council.

Otherwise, be silent, pay the fine, and don't waste THR bandwidth.

I've taken the opportunity to reflect on this thread over my pipe. Considering it has degraded so, and that it is not gun related, I'm closing it for now.

After the other mods have had breakfast and coffee, and get chance to see it, it may be re-opened. Otherwise, the respective parties are encouraged to respectfully take this off line.
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