I got antis in the wire (problems at work)

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Dec 29, 2002
behind you, NC
So on reading a thread about putting Oleg's posters up in their dorm, I went ahead and printed out a few and put them up in my office area (looks like a classic Dilbert cube farm if you must know.) Since I work only overnights people are free to molest my "office space" during the day. Come back the next day, Posters are gone!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAGH @#$&, %^&*, and !@#$%!!!!! Walked around just now and see a number of others that have personal items posted in their area, so management doesn't see to have a problem with this yet, but if I had my way they would. (can you say Oleg wallpapered cube) Other than going to the extreme, any suggestions?


Put up more. Keep putting them up. The anti-Second Amendment bigots probably won't tire of playing censors, but fence sitters will eventually perceive them as they actually are: petty tyrants.
print a set in advance for every working day of the week to keep on hand, they will either get sick of taking them down & not bother, or they waill try & make a mountan of a mole hill & make fools of themsellves...
You could post a small sign on the wall of your cubie that reads something like,

Please do not steal any more of my posters. If you would like some of your own, please let me know. I'd be happy to print them for you.
Thanks in Advance,
{Signed by you}
Ever hear of ultraviolet marking powder?

Put up a doctored set and come in the next day with an ultraviolet Photon Microlight.
Oleg posters?

I did a quick google search and found a few artists.

Can you specify which one?

Oops, added 'gun' to the search and it popped up...
Man, look at all the great ideas in just a few replies! It's great to put some heads together. I'd do them all: powder, webcam, more posters etc. Plus, I'd staple those rascals down about every 1.2 inch. Make it a real pain to remove them.
I've had shot-up targets posted at work for years. (yes, one was even an 'antisocial sillouhette!) So far, nobody's given me any grief over them. :)
I can relate...we have a big inspection coming up next week,and my Boss"suggested" I take down my gun stuff and take my screensaver off.....I did it......am I weak or do I just need my job???not sure but it does suck!!:mad:
Go to a dollar store and get a picture frame and then put the pic's in the frame. If mgt' is taking them down, they would have to let you know as they would be stealing your property (frame). If they don't let you know, report a theft.
i have a couple oleg posters on my cube wall. my liberal boss and the liberal office manager havent said anything about them. but i was asked to take the lead i've pulled off bullets home because it 'violates company policy of not having weapons or ammunition on premises'.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

so i'm going to make a diorama of all the lead i've pulled, and all the lead i've retrieved from the range, and see how long it lasts in my cube before i'm asked to remove it.

another time i had a little setup where i crucified a little teddy bear, hung him upside down, and had the 'buddy jesus' figure from the movie 'dogma' standing in front of him. 'buddy jesus' had a snake wrapped aroundhim, and mermaids on each of his shoulders. also surrounding the crucified bear was small plastic animals. for a short while i had mr white, mr pink, mr orange and mr blonde surrounding the bear with guns drawn.

i have other ideas that someday will become "sac-religious" dioramas, but their content matter probably would offend many here.
I suppose I'm in the minority here, but...

I wouldn't hang those at work just because I know it'd make some people uncomfortable. Nobody likes to have their faces rubbed in things they disagree with and I think you might actually be alienating people who are undecided.
As much as I love guns, I had one co-worker that was always spouting off about what he'd do if he had his Glock. He talked about shooting machinery, shooting loose dogs, pointing it at uncooperative people. Frankly, the guy made me really nervous. When he got fired, I was really on high alert for a couple of days.
You might be nothing like this, but it might be how people see you, and it's just not conducive to a good work environment.

If they're anti-gun, so what? You're not going to change their opinions with posters. Put them behind you at 5 o'clock and do your thing. If you really want to make a difference with someone on the fence about guns, invite them to go to the target range to shoot a .22 pistol. I've yet to meet one person, male or female, that hasn't enjoyed that experience.
another time i had a little setup where i crucified a little teddy bear, hung him upside down, and had the 'buddy jesus' figure from the movie 'dogma' standing in front of him. 'buddy jesus' had a snake wrapped aroundhim, and mermaids on each of his shoulders. also surrounding the crucified bear was small plastic animals. for a short while i had mr white, mr pink, mr orange and mr blonde surrounding the bear with guns drawn.

Spiff, you are one sick puppy...got any pictures of this stuff? :D
Your goal is primarily to persuade, not to offend. Keep that in mind. Pick a graphic which lends to questions or leads to a debate, then debate one on one over lunch break.
Not sure what field you are in, but this is not a great job market for techie types.

I left my last long term job at the end of June 2003 and since then, I have worked a total of about 2 of the last 9 months.

If you think you can get another job easily, I say go for it. But with all the hand wringing about hostile work environments and whatnot, I would just keep in mind that losing your job, while very unlikely, cannot be overlooked as a real possibility.
I agree with Happy Bob. Keep puttin' them up. THERE IS HOPE - our boss was just fired for his constant anti-NRA, anti-gun, anti-Bush, anti-Republican rants during staff meetings and employee lunches!

(OK, so it helps to have a CEO that was an officer in the U.S Marine Corps)
I want to work where you work, Mornard! (Seriously -- PM me if there is even a ghost of a chance they need a computer geek!)

I see Mpayne beat me to it, but --- I know the name of Lew Diamond's dog, I know what Jimmy Miller's belt did, and I know who Barney Ross taught to box. If that doesn't raise the curiosity of an old Marine, nuthin' will.

I even know that you had to get an F4U up regardless, you could go 'borrow' the prop from a squid F6F & throw it on & fly. Splines are the same.

On top of that, I'm not a computer geek!

:D 900F
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