I #@!!*&@@# HATE CALIFORNIA!!!!!

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Feb 8, 2004
Sac, The PRK
Here I am, so poor I can't even afford to buy a Makarov, and they're being dropped off the "approved" list-so unless the importer wants to pay for expensive and bogus drop testing, I'll never own one.

#!$@@! :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

Why do I want to stay and fight for it? Why? Why? What has it done for me?

:banghead: :banghead:

Personal opinion;

It is widely held military science that when faced with an overwhelmingly powerful enemy the proper strategy is to retreat to a defensable position. Kalifornistan is firmly held by the Communists. I would think that moving to Nevada and becoming very politically active, would be a good move.
I may be mistaken, but what does a manufacturer have to do to get a handgun on that list? I thought they simply had to send them a few samples that were non-returnable?

I don't think that the importer would refuse to send them a few guns they probably paid less than $50 for. Think of the market they lose if they don't.
I too survive in part of the iron curtain cali tundra, and know of what you state.
Since my last parent is in an unhealthy way, we need to be by the Kaiser she's
been with since 1963. There is no moving her, as there is no chance in hades
she'll go for it. We now live in the same residence, with me taking care of her.
I'd like to move too, but until the status quo changes, I'll do what I can by
renewing my membership in the NRA and CRPA, and writing both my Assembly
Member and Senator, which thank heaven are pro-gun..As with the French
Resistance, one must stay and fight as well as one can. The current AG is
devil incarnate as far as I'm concerned, with the majority in the Assembly and
Senate completely ignoring the self defense factor needed in these dangerous
times here in Corruptfornia. It really is tragic for honest folks/victims. :(
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I'm seriously thinking of adding "Stay and fight for California, ye scurvy blackguards" to my sig..................as California goes, so goes the nation.
Antibubba - If you're near a Turners, you can do a "layaway".

If you aren't near a Turners, ask at your local shop if you can.
I feel your pain Antibubba. Having grown up in California, there's much that I love about it. Especially the beautiful oak-covered hills and the wonderful weather. At the same time, I just can't stomach the political environment of California anymore. I moved out of California to go to college years ago, and I just can't bring myself to go back. Besides the political environment, there's the cost of living.

Now I live in Utah and love it here. Another reason I couldn't go back to California is the fact that I'd have to give up half of my firearms. :mad:
The 'drop test' (SB15) is not only turning over 4 handguns for testing, but the tests cost about a $1000. These are done at 'state approved' testing companies. There is also a cost of $200 each and every year that a handgun remains on a list. In other words, if a manufactor/imports stops making or importing a handgun, it gets dropped off the list, so those that dealers have on their shelves can not be sold.
Don't forget that every different model, whether the difference be action type or finish, must be retested for approval. It's BS and bureaucracy run amuck at its finest.
I went "under the wire" 9/03 into Nevada. I never thought I'd leave CA but I sure wouldn't go back. Yea, you'll get the "only the cowards leave while us brave ones stay and fight" crap, but meanwhile you'll be shooting full-auto down at the range with your Uzi and borrowing your buddie's M-16 to see what it's like. And using them both to shoot exploding targets! :D

Only one NV county went for Kerry - Clark County. Move here and help us stack up against the liberals! :cool:

Edited to add: I have 25 years with PG&E, but went on disability in 2000. If it weren't for that I could not have moved, so I understand that people cannot just pull up and move. Anti-Bubba, if you're ever down on Front St. and go by the PG&E yard there, wave to the guys for me. ;)
I left the People's Republic of California in 2002 to return to the United States. I'm sure I'll always miss the temperate climate and beaches; in all other respects, however, life in the U.S.A. is much better.
Why does anybody have to know which firearms you own? Last time I was there you did not have to submit to a cavity search to get in (at least, in a car)........
Why does anybody have to know which firearms you own? Last time I was there you did not have to submit to a cavity search to get in (at least, in a car)........
Exactly right. The compliance rate here is low. They pretend to regulate, and we pretend to be regulated.
Russian and East German Makarovs are listed by the Feds as C&R and so are exempt from the "safety" test. You should still be able to get those (in 9x18 only -not .380).
Only the Bulgies are going off of the list - you can still buy those PPT or consignment.
Or, an importer could send in for certification.
I think the fee is only $200 a year once certified. Seems you don't have to sell many in CA to justify that fee, the original cert is another animal altogether.
Hello everybody.â„¢

It's become second nature to us. We naturally take the abuse from other states, like Vermont or Alaska.

Yeah I heard about that :cuss: drop test. What a bunch of :barf:

The People's Democratic Republic Of Kaliberaltownfornia headed by Feinsteinominkov.

(I don't even know who our senators are...I don't care, they're all the same)
Though you can buy used weapons and have them shipped to your local FFL.

Not if they aren't on the list. PPT is the only way to go, and that has to be face-to-face in CA.
The worst part is, that those darn Kalicommies have already jacked up their state. The disarm everyone then move to Colorado to get away from the crime. Then they begin to try to disarm those people. Too bad we can't let California secede and then guard the border.
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Now I agree there - I see California license plates in AZ all the time, and a bunch of Kerry stickers on those cars. I hope those people aren't moving here, but some are, which is how my county and Maricopa country went for Kerry.....retired Calicommies who sell a home in Cali for enough to retire on for two lifetimes in AZ....
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