I just about split a gut...

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Dec 26, 2002
Wilderness of West Michigan
...when I read the sydicated column of Harriette Cole. "Sense and Sensitivity" is the name of the column. Advice column.
A lady wrote in to suggest that a good tactic to use for a snoring spouse is to go to a gun shop and get a set of deluxe customized earplugs for yourself.
Harriette agreed about the earplugs being a good alternative, but..."am apprehensive about sending people to gun stores for any reason."


Here's the e-mail I sent to her at [email protected]

Dear Harriette,
I was moved to actual laughter out loud when reading your advice to the lady who discovered good ear plugs could be purchased at a gun shop. To watch you recoil in horror to that suggestion, reinforces, once again, how dangerous guns are. Those evil, nasty firearms might just, by themselves, jump right out of the showcase and getcha. LOL.

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Good retort, Grampster.

It's a good thing the woman wasn't looking for pasties to cover the husband's eyes with. Where might Ms. Cole have sent her? :eek:
I wonder how many times I'll have to edit "apprehensive" till I spell the durn word right. Going back for the 3rd time after posting this cause I got it wrong again. :banghead:
The funny thing is you can buy ear plugs at Home Depot or Lowes for significantly less than at a gun shop. It's ironic that one of the sheeple would look in a gun shop before one of the other two.
This ticked me off so I wrote a little note too.
Your "advice" is fine, but when you need to do a total slam, ANTI-GUN comment as you did on "Sense and sensitivity" and wrote this: "I am apprehensive about sending people to gun stores for any reason"
AUGH...you blew it there.
Guns don't cause crime, PEOPLE do, and if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Sorry, cannot blame the gun. Let's just think about it--if even all firearms were *confiscated* or "banned" do you believe the people wanting and using them for their criminal agendas would hand them over, or possibly not come up with their own ideas for manufacture?
if even all firearms were *confiscated* or "banned" do you believe the people wanting and using them for their criminal agendas would hand them over, or possibly not come up with their own ideas for manufacture?
should have added "and where would your readers buy ear plugs?!" :D
You can buy whole packets of earplugs at Walgreens. You can even buy special anti-snore earplugs.

Either the author of the column was unaware of this fact, or she deliberately brought up the gunstore thing in order to mention how evillllll they are.
I guess I should NOT write this woman and tell her that one of my favorite guilty pleasures (since I'm watching my weight) is to go into my favorite gun store around closing time, since I know they'll offer me a beer from the fridge.

Then, while I'm there, if friends call on my cell, I get to say, "Nothing much, just drinkin' beer down at the gun store. What are YOU doing that's fun?"

Some day I hope to also smoke a cigar while I drink beer there, and stand in thei doorway throwing cherry-bombs into the parking lot in a full-bore effort to completely and totally tick off the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

But them, I'm a woman who lives on the edge. :)
What was it that Dogbert said?
"I dream of the day I can get alcohol, tobacco, and firearms from the same drive through window...and use them all on the way home."
I never got a response from her, but in her column about a week ago, she printed a couple of letters from others chiding her for her remarks. She whined a bit, like most people who don't have a clue do, did not back up, and remained, well...a little self righteous. Sigh........
I was pleased to see though, from her remarks, that a substantial number of folks reacted to her irrational fear.
Some day I hope to also smoke a cigar while I drink beer there, and stand in thei doorway throwing cherry-bombs into the parking lot in a full-bore effort to completely and totally tick off the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

But them, I'm a woman who lives on the edge.

umm... so... how old are you Tam? :D
Stupid woman. As I understand it, gun ownership is up in the U.S., some even say it's at an all-time high. Yet crime is down (per the DOJ webite).

Clearly, blissninny 'logic' that guns cause crime doesn't hold up, otherwise we would be seeing mayhem and murder everywhere, yes? :banghead:
What was it that Dogbert said?
"I dream of the day I can get alcohol, tobacco, and firearms from the same drive through window...and use them all on the way home."

Bottle Stop liquor shop and gun shop, Coolidge AZ. Drive through window, and they have ammo on the same shelf as cigarettes behind the counter. I am dead serious - I drive by this puppy every day I go to work! Where else can you get a 40 and a .40....
Two legal products, not abused, cause no damage. Hundreds of customers of the Bottle Stop shot nobody in or out of a drunken rage....
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