I just got my free speach comunicator id!

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Apr 25, 2011
Telford, Tennessee
Hey guys I just got my FSCID card in the mail and wondered which publication I should buy and read first? Should I start with simple periodicals and work my way up to *gasp* full novels or just jump in both feet and read animal farm and the Iliad since I now have the card from the government that gives me my unalienable Creator endowed rights to freely communicate in any form about whatever I like? It so nice that the government is protecting us from rampant literacy and intelligence in the streets by preventing people from free speach until they say we can handle it.
I would also like to discuss these insane periodical makers that want to freely spread information to innocent children who would then obviously use that information to educate each other. It's disgusting that those despicable "magazine nuts" would do such a thing! And what's with the recent popularity of these information assault books with so many colors and words on the cover that is designed to spread information in an irresponsible and dangerous manner. As Senator Gus N. Grabber stated last week "Those colorful book spines, that's the thing that has the bold words across the top, are only good for educating vast amounts of people quickly without turning a single page! They must be stopped! It's the only responsible and safe option in the light of the recent public book readings at colleges and malls across the country! No one needs more than 3 colors and 10 words on the cover of any given publication! Ban information assault books NOW!"
Then there is also the movement that citizens desire to he able to carry books in public! This is a terrible idea and is entirely unsafe. If that were to happen during a discussion someone might fly off the handle, so to speak, and open his book to inject the discussion with facts and knowledge, people all around that individual would be in danger of learning!THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
Sorry for being so long winded just wanted to get some information out there and maybe find out what your thought on the subject of free speach were.
If this sounds so insane why is it these are the exact types things we hear about another of the bill of rights :rolleyes:
Educational literature?

I hear that the US is deliberately sending college textbooks to MEXICO!
Oh the hugemanatee!
I applied for my Bible permit last week and submitted my fingerprints for the back ground check. I am just waiting for the approval to come through (should take a couple of months) and then all I have to do is pay the transfer tax and then I can pick it up from the federally licensed dealer. I just can't loan it to anybody or take it across state lines without approval.

Isn't freedom wonderful!
I applied for my Bible permit last week and submitted my fingerprints for the back ground check. I am just waiting for the approval to come through (should take a couple of months) and then all I have to do is pay the transfer tax and then I can pick it up from the federally licensed dealer. I just can't loan it to anybody or take it across state lines without approval.
People need to stop blaming the tool when all of the blame falls on the user. The tool doesn't decide what to do, the person does. When we forget that, the wrongdoings of a person are incorrectly attributed to an object.
Just be careful. Any book over 50 pages requires the additional tax stamp and FBI background check along with fingerprints and permission from your local fuhrer. Get caught with that and no papers and it's 10 years in reeducation camp.
Owen Sparks said:
I applied for my Bible permit last week and submitted my fingerprints for the back ground check.

Grr! It's not a permit! It's a simple tax stamp for each Bible. People always get this wrong. Class III refers to the category of Special Occupational taxpayer, which is for Bible dealers, which are a special class of federal book licensees.

If we educated people better on this, maybe more people would pay the tax stamp for Bibles, and pretty soon Bibles could be purchased with just a regular background check at your normal book dealer instead of having to jump through all these hoops!

.......does anyone else feel that the satire in this thread is eerily possible.

...as in, it wouldnt surprise me if this is all a real possibility within the next 100 years.
I applied for my Bible permit last week and submitted my fingerprints for the back ground check. I am just waiting for the approval to come through (should take a couple of months) and then all I have to do is pay the transfer tax and then I can pick it up from the federally licensed dealer. I just can't loan it to anybody or take it across state lines without approval.

Isn't freedom wonderful!

Great News Mr. Sparks! I wish my local chief law enforcement officer would sign off on mine!
I remember when my FSCID was approved. Good times. It's just too bad I can't carry my books with me outside of the house, since my state prohibits it.
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