I Just purchased my first 1911.

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Apr 16, 2006
Los Angeles, California
I've spent about a year researching different manufacturers and models to find a good, solid 1911-A1, with lots of custom features for a fair price. My search ended with the purchase of the Springfield Armory 1911-A1, TRP with the stainless steel finish.

Can anyone tell me what the LPI checkering on the front strap and mainspring housing? 20 LPI or 30 LPI? I couldn't find this information anywhere. Also, what do you think about the Satin Stainless Steel finish vs Armory Kote teflon finish?

I would like hear what you think about this pistol. The pros and cons.

My search ended with the purchase of the Springfield Armory 1911-A1, TRP with the stainless steel finish.

I would like hear what you think about this pistol. The pros and cons.

After you've bought it? I guess you are more interested in positive comments, eh?

Stainless pistols sure are purty. For a while, I also preferred stainless. Now I'd choose something made of good steel and if I wanted either shiny or corrosion resistant I'd choose hard chrome.

Regardless, you got yourself a nice pistol
I think you bought one of the best deals going right now. I checked one out but cant remember for the life of me about the checkering. Im thinking it was 20LPI. It was Armory-Cote though dont know if that makes a difference. Next time I buy it'll be a TRP or Baer TRS. Congrats money well spent no matter what.
Congrats on the TRP. Awesome pistol that you've picked out. Yes the checkering is 20 LPI. A litlte aggressive for my tastes but its got more grip than the 30 lpi.

Two things I would do is to get rid of the 2 piece guide rod and change out the MSH with the ILS with a Smith and Alexander MSH and magwell.

Other than that, that gun is sweet! :D
Nice Pistol

Congratulations My Friend-

As you just bought yourself one very fine pistol, in the Springfield TRP~!:)
Like my friend Richard, the 20 LPI checkering is a little agressive
for my taste as well, but one thing is for sure; when you grab it, it sticks.
And, for a CCW I prefer stainless cuz I live here in the hot and muggy
"Deep South"; but for shooting on crisp, clean days you can't beat the
blued or parkerized guns~!:cool: Enjoy:D
Get Rid of It....

QUICK!!!! You MUST get rid of the gun! You've just been bitten by the 1911 virus and it will soon be multiplying!!!! I'll gladly offer a good home for it, as I'm infected beyond cure of the 1911 virus........Congrats....now, go shoot it! :D
My TRP is Armory Kote and about 4 years old now. The finish has held up well.

The problem I had was the front sight post was to high so the gun shot low. New front sight and it shoots POA/POI.

The gun has well over 10k rounds through it and never chokes. It just runs and runs and runs.

Congradulations! I hope your as happy with yours as I am with mine.
In the price you are operating...

stainless steel is fine. My current 1911-style guns are stainless because they are shot and used and 'refinishing' is simplified with stainless guns. Also, the checkering is/was a little to agressive for my tastes as well. If the checkering becomes a problem then a competent armorer or gunsmith may be able to 'break' some of the sharp edges for you.

If I were having a custom 1911 built or stepping up to a Professional Model then I would opt for hard chrome or the like over carbon steel.

Finally, the 1911 platform is highly addictive. It can be everything you want out of a handgun but mismanaged it can also be a nightmare. I would encourage you to shoot you TRP, a fine gun by the way, and leave custom work to a gunsmith or the Custom Shop.

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