I know who shot JFK........

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Jan 6, 2003
some nutjob in my favorite gunshop told me all about it last night and that the "NAS" actually tried to recruit him to do the deed. He turned them down and they got "two shooters, ex-Marines" to take care of business. This guy was a few fries short of a happy meal. He is hands down the craziest bastard I've come across in quite some time.

I walked into the shop around 7:45 p.m. to pick up an order and shoot the breeze with the owner a bit. This guy is already in the shop and he is trying to sell a practically brand new OD green Springfield XD .40 caliber with a weapons light. He's got 3 plastic shopping bags on the floor seemingly containing all of his possessions, a large frayed Bible, a notepad covered in notes of some sort, and just continues on and on from one rant to another. He tells the owner and I that he just got out of prison yesterday for charges dealing with writing bad checks and having stolen property (hmmmmm........). He tells us he is filing a lawsuit against the county jail and the state police for false arrest, violation of Constitutional rights, keeping him in lockdown for 67 days without light and arresting him while he was at church. He then proceeds to tell us he's on a first name basis with the governor. He tells us he has been named the flyfisherman of the year and will be featured on the cover of the upcoming issue of Rod & Reel magazine because he's discovered 4 new species of mayflies in Pennsylvania and then 3 new ones in Montana and that Penn State entomologists have asked him to go there to give a lecture. He told us he was the only Orvis endorsed flyfishing guide in this part of the state, another gun shop in town sold him stolen firearms, that a local business owner's daughter told him that her father was molesting her and the employees for the business were having sex with 14 year old boys. He said he is the president of a 40,000 member sportsmen's alliance organization who is going head to head in a political conflict with the governor and state reps, he bought a 50,000 dollar Lincoln Navigator from a local car dealer for 35,000 b/c the dealer owed him a favor and then the shop had the Navigator for a week for service before they figured out it needed another 5 gallons of gas to run properly, his neighbor has tried to kill him at least 3 times, he was in Vietnam, has a top secret clearance and of course...........................the "NAS" called him up to recruit him to assassinate JFK b/c LBJ wanted to be president.

This is just the stuff that stood out the most.....there was way more. Here's an idea of how long this freak went on......I got there at 7:45 and he was already there. Within one minute of me entering the store the guy told me he thought I was "f***ing Sherlock Holmes". The owner tried several times to persuade this guy to leave. He is a very soft spoken and decent guy and would probably not get rude with someone. I finally had enough entertainment and left at 10:00, went out to my truck and waited to see this guy leave to make sure the owner didn't have any trouble with him. The guy left at 10:15. The owner typically closes his store at 9:00

I'm going to call the owner today to see if he's going to talk with authorities about the dude trying to sell a handgun after having been in jail and obviously not mentally there. The claims he has a carry permit and made at least 15 references to shooting people who might cross him. He actually did show us arrest papers for the stolen property and a bad check. He said f**! the police.....he always keeps one good check book and one bad checkbook on him just for situations when he feels like screwing a business. I said "didn't you just get out of jail for writing a bad check?" he said yes. I said "I don't think your strategy is working out too well for you" He said "f**! you!"

This situation doesn't sit well with me b/c the dude obviously has issues. However, I'm not sure if I should get involved b/c I know nothing about him, it's sort of not my business, I don't know if the firearm he was trying to sell is legit or not, and who knows what can be believed. The owner of the shop would NEVER do anything illegal and I'm sure he was checking that pistol out a.s.a.p. as soon as the guy left. He did ask the owner if he could leave the firearm there at the shop and come back to get the money for the sale the next day b/c the owner was going to write a check and the guy wanted cash. Several times he actually began making a rational and sensible conversation, but would always resort back to really strange comments and stories. He was quite full of himself to say the least. Very weird but didn't seem threatening. That's mostly why we listened to his bs....it was sort of ok, we'll listen and please leave now.

What do you think?
He can't be telling the truth. I shot JFK, and I'm only 36.

No, wait.... I shot JR. Sorry about that, I often get them confused.
Yes.......I just had to shake my head and walk away with a chuckle. He was so bizarre he didn't even realize we were laughing at him not with him.

I couldn't have made last night's experience up if I wanted to.
In my experience the surest way to find a "nut job" short of the "loony bin" is in a gun shop.....its like a magnet for the bizarre ! Last year while I was waiting to do business in a gun shop a patron harangued me about the necessity of always sleeping with a loaded gun under my pillow.......he had that wild-eyed look as if he was from some other planet. I am certain if I was to search the Obit's I would find his name listed under a story of someone who died in their sleep from an accidental discharge ! Unfortunately these types become the "poster children" for "The Brady Bunch".

Well, most of that actually sounds pretty reasonable, but he's obviously off his rocker simply because those .40S&W XD's are sweet - especially the OD green ones.

Man would have to be crazy to part with a gun like that.
i invented both the question mark and exclamation point; when i was 7.

seriously that guy is a nut job, write down his description, and if the gun is hot offer to give a statement to the police on the owner of the shops behalf.
Great work on the question mark. That is a winner. I do feel you just kind of phoned it in on the exclamation point though. it is just an upside down i. :)
He sounds like he is schizophrenic or is Bipolar and in a manic phase. Flight of ideas is classic and easy to spot.
It's amazing what science can diagnose with brain scan technology..... all that juicey information and no alien abduction UFO stories?

it seems like the guy had some pretty interesting stories although i'm pretty sure they would get annoying after awhile. oh yeah and i highly doubt the gun was legit. . . :D
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