I present evidence that New York is entirely beyond redemption:

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That my freind is the sad truth of living in the communist state of New York. Spitzer, Schumer, Clinton(Hitle - ry), and soon an anti to head up the DEC. We are screwed, everyday is a fight to hang on to what we have. And they wonder why people leave this god forsaken hell hole. High taxes and crappy weather. I love New York:banghead:
Ban em.. Ban em now... It's fer the chilrens...they are skeery aaaaggggghhh!!!:evil:

My goodness, did you read some of those comments!
They are just practicing, so that they don't have to keep coming up with reasons for their actions on things that they really care about.
About the only thing that will tempt me to move back to NY again, is a free island with mansion in 1000 Island's. But only if I never have to pay any taxes on it!:neener:
That's just dumb. Maybe there are too many state legislators, and they can't think of anything better to do. Hell, spinners aren't even illegal in NJ, and EVERYTHING is illegal in NJ.
See here is a fight you can win

Mobilize the community. Call them out. Don't worry about all of NYs crazy gun laws when we are losing the RKBS we will go to the mat for it.

Seems like more frivolous fluff of some rep sitting around with nothing better to do wants to transfer his idea of what he think your rights of what you should have into law.

From what I gathered:
1. Some idiots can't tell the vehicle is stopped when the spinners are spinning.
2. Some idiot kid somewhere stuck his finger in the spinner while it was spinning. Now his nickname is stumpy.:evil:
Publishing of all names of registered pistol permit holders in 2 counties

Trying to re-vamp the code so now instead of re-knewing your permit every 5 years you must REAPPLY

Assault Weapons Ban that didn't expire with the federal

No firearm Hunting in Westchester county Bow only

Banning... Of.. Rims...

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Serisously people, what the heck? How do they pose a safety threat? Have they caused accidents? Have they had a negative impact on the community, have they caused the death of a firemen or LEO?

Seriously I hate my state
This is just a st3p

This is just a st3p on the way to ban rim fir3 ammunition. I say this is j3st of cours3, but som3how it just isn't funny. I hav3 family in NY, and I g3t angry 3v3rytim3 I go to NY whn I think of th3 laws th3r3.

and I I n33d a n3w k3yboard.....
L33t, d00d.

Seriously. Isn't this a borderline first amendment case? Spinners are an expression of your blingitude, even if I personally think they're a stupid expression. But crikey, that doesn't mean I'd ever want to ban the things.

This just reeks of dumb on so many levels.
1. Some idiots can't tell the vehicle is stopped when the spinners are spinning.

Yeah, why use the brake lights :p

I think some of the legislators are simply annoyed at the "hip hop" look that a lot of people give their cars.
Look, hip hop annoys me too, but that's even more a first amendment issue.

If the brothers want to shout incoherently into a microphone that's just fine with me as long as I can go somewhere that I don't have to listen to it. But just because it irritates me doesn't mean it's a bannable "offense."

These people need twenty lashes with the rubber chicken.
it always make me laugh when i see people with spinners back in NYC. but thenn aggain its not doing us anything...but knowing NY they do useless stuff like that all the time. What's next? banning short skirts?:p
You laugh, but things like this have been enacted in times past, and times not so long past.

You laugh, but things like this have been enacted in times past, and times not so long past.

Yeah, on the surface it's funny, but the reality is that this seems like a blatant (proposed) violation of the 1st amendment.

And if this ban were to make it to law, then what's next?

Maybe bans on certain attire, clothing, colors, etc.


The .gov claims gang members wear teal baseball caps, so teal baseball caps are banned.

The .gov claims "hot pants" are lewd, so hot pants are banned.
Just like banning inexpensive handguns (aka "saturday night specials")
Just like banning marijuana
Just like "no dancing" ordnances or requiring bars/restaurants to have a "dancing permit"

This is about banning things "...because them darkies do it".
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