I really cant say much but..

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I wonder how he is with hand-to-hand or any other type of "violent" or potentially injurious/deadly training...
That guy was sweating! He's too scared to grasp it firmly, like it might bite him. I feel bad for the guy; it doesn't appear that he's cut out for this. I also feel bad for any future partner of his even if he somehow masters the manual of arms. That guy is choke-and-freeze material, big-time.
I've watched a few episodes of this show and it seems to me that there are a LOT of people in this thing simply because they are having trouble finding work. Have you noticed how many of the recruits were formerly in real estate of some type?

Law enforcement is something you have to really want to do. Seems they are washing out a lot of the "I just need a job" types so I guess the program works as far as weeding those out.
Law enforcement is not about firearms, it's about law enforcement. A cop's job is to enforce laws, not use a gun. Sometimes a gun is used to enforce laws. A carpenter's job isn't to use a hammer, their job is to build stuff. Sometimes building stuff requires a hammer.
But if the carpenter is an incompetent user of a hammer he won't be a carpenter for long.

<shrug> Just sayin'...

Edited to add: Guess I should have read the whole thread before replying - still a valid comment though.
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Likely his inability to learn the proper terms for the various componants fo the pistol are directly related to his hoplophobia. He probably has a mental block and cannot retain any information concerning his firearm.
i could ask my three year old nephew where the front sight is on his little play cap pistol gun and he could point it out to me.
this guy is messed up.
Never got an answer as to whom is paying for this numbnut's training...
The county is paying for his training, which comes directly from the taxpayers. I have seen the show and that gentleman was given every oppurtunity to pass. The range officers were right in pulling him off the line. There was another female on that show having trouble with a 12 guage shotgun. They pulled her off the line. The range officer said that "their are other jobs these people can do, this is not it (pointing to the shotgun). That gentleman was kicked out of the academy for failure to qualify.
That's what I figured. I've heard of some candidates having to pay for their own Academy training, though. Probably very small or rural areas...
In my area I have heard you can apply for the academy and wait for a vacancy and not have to pay, but because of the number of people willing to pay there are never any vacancies. In the past my town required a person to be a member of the police auxiliary and those members that were thought to be best qualified were sent to the academy free of charge and on completion became town police officers. We have since disbanded our PD and now contract with the Sheriffs Dept. Saves taxpayer’s money and provide more coverage’s and services.

I hate to say this, but in my area there are police officers who should have never been allowed into law enforcement and remain only because they are protected by the PBA and it is too costly for the city/town to fight their removal in court.
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Pretty much the same in my area as what I'd heard from my roommate who went through LEO training (working county corrections now). He paid to go through it at one county, then he was paid by the county he is at now to go through once he was hired by them.

I can see both sides. Your life may depend on that gun. I'd sure want to know all I could.

There also may be recruits like my roommate who will be in a jail and never have to touch a gun again. Then again he got a gun even though he wasn't going to be issued one, and got his CCW permit. He figured he might someday meet someone on probation outside the jail that wasn't too happy with the workers.
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