"I regret to inform you..."

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Jun 1, 2004
Sonoran Desert, Arizona
The words you never want to hear from a military officer or policeman. We heard them today.

Sharon and I were informed by the military today our son/stepson, Specialist Elijah Rao, was killed by an IED earlier today in Afghanistan. His convoy was stopped at the site of an explosion. Elijah stepped out of the humvee and within moments, another IED was detonated, taking Elijah out. Something we have feared for years, but hoped would not come to pass.

Elijah served an extended (15 month) tour in Iraq before serving in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He was scheduled to come home in January on leave and then come home for good in May. Elijah has been posthumously promoted to Sargent E5, will receive the Purple Heart, and has been recommended to receive a Bronze Star.

He was an incredible, gentle, bright, loving person and this hits really, really hard. He has a wife and 1 year old. The coming week will be very difficult. We were visited by two incredible Army officers earlier today and spent most of this evening with another. We have a lot of grief and ceremony to move through this week, and beyond.

We've cried about all we can cry today, I think, and now about all we know to do with ourselves is to let people know about our beloved Elijah.

Here's is picture I recently took of Elijah.


Please pray for our brave young men and women, and their families, who risk their lives in that hell hole of the middle east to try to keep us safe at home.
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Hello. Highest respect and deepest sympathy from my house to yours in the loss of your son. May this fine young hero rest in peace. He paid the ultimate price to protect this country and no honor can be bestowed that measures up to either his (or your) sacrifice.

Best to you and yours.
May the Lord bless you and your family in this very difficult time. Just know that your son gave his life doing something that was larger than himself, which is far more than many people in this world can claim.
I echo the above posts. Thoughts and prayers out to you and yours.
This country exists because of people like your son. My utmost sympathy and gratitude is with you and yours. God bless.
Nothing I can say will make things not hurt as much. They won't make things feel any better, nor will they make you happy. These are hard and dark times and that pain always remains. This fact remains: Your son, and our soldier paid the highest most respectable price for our country and our rights. It strikes my heart every time I hear news like this, as I've recently been in your position. Hold close to what you have. The memories hurt the most, but scars have to form for wounds to fully heal. I wish you rest on these coming restless nights, and on behalf of my family and myself, I'm truly sorry for your loss. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers and in time, you'll see the light.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Your son and his fellow soldiers are heros and their sacrifice and yours shall not be forgotten. May God grant you some measure of comfort during this time of loss. My prayers are with you.
I am sorry beyond words to hear of your brave son , Elijah , loseing his life protecting our way of life and our loved ones.
We lost my nephew , Msgt."Jimmy" in Oct. 2004 due to Iraq ---- I've read his last email to me many, many times --- in it , he states he was proud to fight over there for a cause he knew to be right. I am sure Elijah felt the same.
I want you and your family to know that as I write this , tears are flowing for both your Elijah and my Jimmy.
All I can say is that in the darkest night , if you look to the sky , you WILL SEE A LIGHT --- that light is your Elijah -- he is looking over you and all his loved ones.

PLEASE --- if there is EVER ANYTHING that I can do for you -- just ask.

With wet eyes and a heavy heart --- Jerry aka GF123
I've been in the Army for the past 13 years. I've had close friends killed in both Iraq and Afghanistan and have been there myself to witness some of the tragedies. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry for my loss. I believe that they gave their lives to a higher cause but sometimes that just doesn't help the pain. God help you and your family and all of us. I will approach God again tonight to pray for all of us. God bless you and your son, Elijah.
And, may flights of Angels sing him to his rest. My heart is breaking for you, your wife and Elijah's many close friends and relatives. My prayer is that God's Holy Spirit may comfort all of you through this heartache. I can see the light in the eyes of your son and feel a terrible void as I mourn with you. I will pray for and with you and yours to sanctify his great sacrifice. May God preserve and keep you.
I believe just about everyone in America knows someone over seas. Its not until it hits close to home that you realize how serious it really is over there. Thank you a million times for your sons service to this great country. To Elijah and all of our fallen soldiers we will forever be in debt to your service to keep us free.
I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you deeply for your family's contribution to our Freedom.
Hail and Farewell, Elijah
In the past it would have been said that your son has earned a place in the Sacred Halls of Valhalla; to join His fallen Brothers and Sisters in Arms as a Hero for all Eternity; His Name spoken with Honor. That may not be politically correct these days, but I believe there is a special place for those who pay the ultimate price in the service of this country.
Our sympathies for your loss and our gratitude for His service.
Know that as you grieve, cry, and pray, his entire unit follows suit. As you hurt and heal, so do those who knew him and had the privelege of serving with him. Though I never had the pleasure of your son's company, I would have entrusted him with my life and fought along side with him if the circumstances called for it. I don't wish to be presumptuous or to take away from what you are feeling right now, but know that the loss of Elijah is felt here too, as it is each time we lose one of our own.

Thank you for your sacrifice, Elijah. Rest in peace brother.
If your son was anything like his father then he made the world a better place for those who knew him. My heart goes out to you all, if it is any consolation, even on the other side of the world there are people who appreciate him, his work and you for making him the man that he was.

Ken Robson
Sydney, Australia
You have my deepest condolences on your loss.

He gave his life in the service of this country and that always demands the deepest respect and gratitude.
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