I serve Constructive Notice rather than show a 'permit' to carry!

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Henry Bowman,

This would have been my son's responsibility to file the assault charge and file the Title 42 lawsuit, I would have provided the necessary information for him to do so, he's 26 years old. I had a really good Title 42 lawsuit back in 1995, had most of it prepared and everything, went with Jean Ventura to Kalamazoo, Michigan to the Federal Courts to see how her lawsuit would go and after seeing the pompous @#%^% Federal Judges presiding, I decided not to proceed with my lawsuit. I had a pretty good case, I had even gone to the FBI in Lansing, you see the 2nd District Court Judge, Donald L. Sanderson had failed to file out the paperwork to return me to the custody of Gerald Hicks, Sheriffy of Hillsdale County over the course of 4 weeks. I was unlawfully held, all my paperwork was blank, the Sheriff had absolutely no lawful authority to hold me in his jail! Donald had a problem, I hadn't posted bond, hadn't signed any court papers, hadn't hired or accepted an attorney, hadn't done anything to grant the court jurisdiction! You see whether anyone out there wants to believe it or not, for a court to lawfully (and the key word here is lawfully) proceed, they must have personum and subject matter jurisdiction! They didn't have either on me, what was poor Donald to do? Lock me up and throw away the key?!
So you see I had a warrant 'hanging over my head' for over two weeks, where was I, hiding from the long arm of the law? I don't think so, I was down in front of the 2nd District Court building protesting, but I couldn't get anyone to come out and arrest me! What really goes on in our 'just us' system today?! It's like a play, everyone has their part to play, as long as everyone plays their part the business of 'just us' works great! It's all fraud, but not too many are willing to go to the extent that I have to make a point!
There are other proofs of financial responsibility than just insurance, check it out!

Oh...I'm not talking about getting around a dumb law...I'm talking about actually having the means to cover any liability you incur from driving.

You know...as in having money to cover some kid's rehab if your brakes fail...that sort of thing.
It's all fraud, but not too many are willing to go to the extent that I have to make a point!

Hey, do you have your own pom poms and a megaphone with your name on it? :D

I find this all rather interesting. It appears to me that what you are doing is forcing LEAs and the judiciary to play by the rules as written, regardless of how obscure these rules can be. Am I correct in saying that?

When I said that there are 'other' methods of showing financial responsibility than just 'insurance' that's exactly what I meant! Mandated insurance is not the only way to provide compensation for an accident that you might be liable for. I don't currently 'own' a motor vehicle, haven't since my divorce in 1998. When I'm at my property in Kentucky I for the most part ride my mountain bike. I'm currently building my own recumbent tricycle for my main transportation, I am doing this because I believe that motor powered vehicles are a major cause of pollution. I prefer the HPV's (human powered vehicles). At my place in Kentucky I am not hooked up to any public utlilities, I heat and cook with wood, grow alot of my own food and live a very simple life! I'm planning on building an 'Earthship' for my house, that's the one built out of used tires packed full of dirt and stacked like concrete blocks. I decided ten years ago to simplify my life and that's exactly what I've done!
Doesn't sound like you're infringing on anyone else, then. Just try not to ruffle too many feathers...unfortunately, as we've seen, the Feds don't care so much about the letter of the law.

Remember, used tires burn terribly hot. ;)
Henry Bowman,

Actually since 1997 my life has been very peaceful when it comes to 'the State'! If 'the State' attempts to screw with my rights, I deal with that specific issue and nothing more. What I ignore is the endless rules and regulations that the State attempts to force on most people and their lives!


How so 2dogs? 'Nuff said' doesn't say anything!

Let's define FREE: not subject to legal constraint of another. FREEDOM: The state of being free; liberty; self-determination; absence of restraint; the opposite of slavery. LIBERTY: exemption from extraneous control. The power of the will to follow the dictates of its unrestricted choice, and to direct the external acts of the individual without restraint, coercion, or control from other persons.

True freedom only comes with death, until that time I live about as free as is humanly possible!


Natural, absolute, inherent and inalienable rights protected by the Bill of Rights and/or Constitution are the first rules! When it comes to 'just us' in this country today, you're not going to get it in their courts, not if you play your assigned role, it's a business, they're making money at this business called 'just us'! Just open wide and say ahhh! Most of the prosecutors and judges that I've dealt with don't have a clue as to what 'laws' their trying to enforce, it's like we're playing 'Let's make a Deal'! I've merely taken the time to check out their 'laws', when I owned property in the State of Michigan and was doing all my legal combat I purchased a used two volume set of the Michigan Court Rules, Judge Sanderson wasn't too happy when he found that out! If you're going to play the game, you better check out the rules first!

Interesting thread topic!
I agree we should take measures NOT to let our freedoms be eroded by those calling the BoR or the Contsitution an "evolving document".

But I also think most of us with wives, kids, jobs, and so on are not going to take it to the extreme that you have, even willing to be jailed to prove your point (that doesn't seem to have changed anything).

You said:
it's my trap that I've baited to catch a wayward LEO that just might attempt to violate my right to carry in the open!
and I think THERE is the underlying issue: you're willing to die on a hill to prove your point.

If it means taking our guns, then yes, I would probably agree.
If it's just to "trap" some poor 22k/yr., 22yr. old LEO with a HS education in some aspect of constitutional law, then it's a scummy thing to do.

If it means working WITHIN the constraints of law to change the law, I think that's the desirable road for MOST of us.

You're holding all 3 tracks and waiting for the zap, IMO.
To hand a LEO a notice like you did is, in my mind, stirring up trouble unnecessarily. YMMV.

My motto is "under the radar". Give 'em NOTHING to be suspicious of.
[blockquote]If it's just to "trap" some poor 22k/yr., 22yr. old LEO with a HS education in some aspect of constitutional law, then it's a scummy thing to do.[/blockquote]
With all due respect to LEOs, if a 22yo doesn't understand the rights specifically enumerated by the state and federal constitutions, that's fine, but he has no business enforcing the law.
Felonious Monk,
I in no way suggested that you are anyone else should attempt to do what I've been doing now for over 10 years! There has been a price to pay for the road that I've choosen to travel down, not complaining, just stating a fact. Over the past 10 years my weapon has been my mind, even with all that I've done I don't really think that I've placed myself in that much danger! I've become rather adept at walking the freedom tight rope, no major falls yet! Not yet! Today it's not like it was when I started down this road back in 1993, back then I didn't know jack, now I've had 10 years of educating myself to fall back on. It's like playing chess, I'm thinking 10 - 15 moves ahead, I usually see them coming and I'm patiently waiting, waiting for them to attempt to gain lawful jurisdiction over the Human Being known as Winston Ward Johnson. Actually it's rather amusing, just like when I was unlawfully held for 27 days the first time in the Hillsdale County jail for refusing to post bond, my daughter drove 90 miles one way, brought a bail bondsman from Elkhart, Indiana to bail me out, but I refused because that would have granted them jurisdiction. Judge Donald L. Sanderson and his gang did just about everything that they could to get me to post that bond, but I never did. I haven't been arrested since September of 1995, so that sorta speaks volumes all by itself!
Speaking as someone who spends most of his working life in courtrooms, I can tell you that when someone starts up with the "I'm a Freeman, you don't have jurisdiction, I'm sovereign, I don't like the yellow fringe on the courtroom flag" routine, eyes glaze over real fast. The reality is that the courts are going to enforce the same set of rules for everyone, and you can't write your own and expect the court to be bound by them.

What your transcript shows is that the judge didn't see a need to issue a warrant when you had already served 27 days in jail for driving without a license, not that he couldn't have had he wanted to. Most of us have lives that don't allow us the luxury of spending four weeks in jail on principle.

Cervantes, in Don Quixote said that "too much sanity may be madness, and the maddest of all, to see things as they are and not as they ought to be." Most of us have to deal with things as they are. In a way, I admire your willingness to try to live as you think things ought to be rather than as they really are. Just remember that when you tilt at windmills, the smart money is on the windmill.
Preacherman: If the current situation continues unabated, then we may have to overthrow our unconstitutional government in a few decades.

I think this way is better. We might be able to avoid it if there is a good precedent put in place by this guy. It is far more likely he will wind up confined in a deep deep cell, and I think that he knows it. suijurisfreeman may be a little off kilter, but I respect his stand (not sure of the legality) because he is harming no-one.

He is fighting the nasty beuricratic beast with its own weapons (red-tape and obsfucation). It is an interesting contest for sure.

It's not just that one instance, I was stopped at a Kentucky State Police roadblock on May 22, 2002. I went round and round with the two State Troopers, at first the one said that in this State, if you don't have a 'driver's license' you go to jail, eventually a 'ticket' was issued and I was 'allowed' to travel away with them knowing that I didn't have a 'license'. I filed my Judicial Notice with the court, went to their 'arraignment' proceedings on June 6, 2002, was there for over 3 hours, got up and walked out. There was no warrant issued for 'failure to appear', in fact like I posted before Judge Ropp actually removed my entire file from the clerk's office. 'My case' wasn't in the court report given to the newspaper as is normally the case, my paperwork that I filed, even my file just disappeared!

My handle, suijurisfreeman has absolutely nothing to do with my tactics, I don't believe the 'gold fringed flag' has anything to do with jurisdiction, but nevertheless once jurisdiction has been challenged, jurisdiction must be proven before the court can lawfully proceed. When I was released by Judge Harvey Moes on my writ of Habeas Corpus, it was because as Judge Moes said, Judge Donald L. Sanderson didn't have lawfully authority to issue the bench warrant, I was being unlawfully restrained of my liberty! Judge Sanderson was quoted in the Hillsdale Daily News as saying, that Mr. Johnson and his group may get more grease than they want if they don't quit making squeekie noises! I never did get that 'lube job' that Donald promised me!
Ahh Thumper,

The price of liberty is eternal viligance! All of us die someday, but the question really is, what did we live for?! For 10 years now I've lived for freedom and loved every minute of it! :banghead: :D
If you run away, you'll live. But lying on your beds many days from now, what would you give for a chance, just one chance to come back and tell your enemies that you may take our lives, but never our freedom!

god I just love the movie, Braveheart! :banghead: I think if I just quit doing that the pain will go away!
what did we live for

Well, let's see:

If you're willing to spend a month in jail, you can be a "free man" who lives in a house of used tires, whose only manner of conveyance is a bicycle, whom local officials have largely written off as a harmless crank...but you get to open carry, right?

Somehow I'm failing to see the upside of all this.

Let me ask you this, if you work, do you pay taxes?
The only way bad laws are changed is when brave men stand up and challenge them.

I'm sure Suijuris realizes he's "hanging out there", but he's apparently willing to accept the consequences and fight the good fight as far as he can take it.

I salute you, sir!

No Donald really wanted to give me the 'full service' lube job! Not just the 27 point quickie lube job - the full service lube job! I had more fun with Donald and Michael R. Smith, the Hillsdale County Prosecutor, it really was quite a game that we all played for over 3 years! I used to set Donald up so he would say things on the record that I knew I could get him in trouble with the Michigan Judicial Review Board in Detroit. There were several times when Donald or one of his minion deleted parts of the proceedings just so he wouldn't get in trouble. I've got tape recordings and witnesses to prove that he in fact did or had someone else do his dirty work for him. Some people have wondered why I've done what I've done, if they only actually understood how their 'just us' system works! They're all like cattle going down the shoot to their own slaughter! :banghead: How many times can I do this before I pass out?!
To be honest, I have to agree with Ag (somebody write that down) that you're about half nuts, but you certainly seem to be having a good time with it.

I wish you the best of luck. No kidding. :D
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