I think the 2nd is working as the founders intended.

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Feb 17, 2007
Southern Idaho
PLEASE folks DONT let this get into us/them politics, Id like this thread to stay open!!!!

As I see it the 2nd was created to keep politicians/government (ie congress) honest by being afraid to pass draconian laws for fear of the armed populous.
Maybe more so the revolutionary type back then than "we want to keep or jobs" we see now.

We all seem to agree that when congress decided to pass stricter gun laws in the 90's they lost MANY MANY seats due to said laws.

With the many (but not all) of the "powers that be", afraid to (at least publicly) say they want to pass more gun laws. And with them not fighting very hard to not pass the CC/guns in parks bill that just went through. It appears they are afraid of us, well some of them anyway. Like I said not in as much as "we dont want an armed revolution" but more a "we dont want a revolt like the mid 90's" And become un-employed.

So PLEASE keep vigilant, vocal and continue to voice your opinions to your elected officials.

One step at a time we can regain what we have lost one step at a time.
The Founding Fathers did not intend the 2A to apply only to obsolite military designs and hunting arms but to the type of modern arms used by the military.
The Founders did their part, now we have to do our part.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
The Founding Fathers did not intend the 2A to apply only to obsolite military designs and hunting arms but to the type of modern arms used by the military.


as the military arms evolved, we should have access to the whole shebang.
Blashpemy! The Second Amendment only applies to muskets and other blackpowder arms, and the First Amendment only applies to quill pens and parchment, with the occasional unamplified speech on a soapbox in the town center.

The founding fathers understood what could and would happen under a government of tyranny. There are those who oppose the 2A that say that would never happen in this country.

Uh, yeah, right. If the populace does not need guns, then why does the state get them?
Did anyone even read the original post?

His point doesn't have anything to do with "modern military weapons." His point is, one political party was seen as having passed an unacceptable anit-gun law. That political party was soundly defeated in the next election and was out of power for years. Now, having gotten that power back, they are at least, so far unwilling to risk that kind of reaction again. No shots were fired, no guns were drawn, but a message was delivered.

So, how long do you wait before you touch a hot stove again?
I think overall the observation of the original poster is valid. While we have much that I venomously oppose happening in the current administration so far it has been within the law. So far no one of serious and sober mind is pushing one way or the other in a way that incites open or violent rebellion. I would like to think the powers that be realize the people have push back power beyond just votes and complaints. Yes the 2nd is doing its function fairly well.
I would be interested to know if the re-authorization of CC in Nat. Parks would have passed were it not attatched to a crucial bill that both Dems and Repubs alike, as well as Pres. Obama, desperately wanted through.

I think the desperation of the moment was what passed it, and I fear that, although the tide is turning in our favor popularity-wise, those with legislative power have yet to realize that, and would have voted it and any other pro-gun measure down.

For them to REALLY get the message, Nancy Pelosi, Carolyn McCarthy, Ted Kennedy, and others like them MUST be voted out, and it must be made known that their idiotic stance on the 2nd Amendment and the rights of Americans was a major factor in their ousting from office.
That political party was soundly defeated in the next election and was out of power for years...So, how long do you wait before you touch a hot stove again?
When there are no more free elections or when you can rig them in your favor forever.

If they eliminate the ballot boxes then it's time to open the ammo boxes
when congress decided to pass stricter gun laws in the 90's they lost MANY MANY seats due to said laws.
Was it that alone? Do not forget that the political beast (either side) is a very short sighted creature (future or past). I would think that the recent explosion of 2A related purchases (some would say in relation to the last election) is a significant part of what has them scared right now; possibly more-so that an election they cannot remember because it happened more than one election cycle ago...
Yes, it is working. It could work better but thank goodness, it is working. We can help it by literally flooding our Senators and Representatives with mail, email and telephone calls on each and every piece of legislation. Put the pressure on them and keep it on them and then send them a short Thank You note from time to time if they re voting the way you asked t hem to vote. Keep their attention.
Being heard by your reps is huge! A good one to sign up for is the Gun Owners of America alerts. They send emails only when action is needed then you can click on a link it brings up a form letter which you can tweak if you want and they automatically send it to your appropriate rep or senator. I am a member but you dont have to be to sign up. Great program.
All I will say is simply this. If the 2nd was working as the founding fathers intended then New York, D.C., Chicago, California and others wouldn't be able to limit gun ownership or the carrying of weapons so let's not relax.
But the Second Amendment had a completely different context back in the violent war-torn American landscape of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Private gun owners were faced with perils that we can scarcely imagine in this day and age.

The Founders intended to create and sustain a well trained, disciplined Army of the People with the latest weaponry who are always ready and willing to stand up for their liberty and sovereignty, even at the cost of their life.
We were lucky. The SCOTUS voted 5-4 in our favor only because the right guy was president to appoint a majority of clear thinking judges. It could have very easily gone the other way. Read the dessenting opinion. It is very scary. That is not what the founders had in mind.
For a thread the OP asked to keep non political, it sure managed to go political quickly and you all know what that means...
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