I totally spaced on this DGU.

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Apr 5, 2004
Northern California
The Bitches With Guns thread awakened this bit of history for me.

This is from a while back but the details came straight from the woman involved.

A way back when I worked for GreenPeace (quit snorting, it was a youthful indiscretion. Plus I was the only gun rights activist in the place and was fighting that fight whilst I was there.) out of the L.A. office another canvasser had gone up to San Francisco to work out of that office and vist some friends etc.

She decided to hitchhike home and caught a ride with a trucker. At one point the trucker pulls over in Oakland and pulls out a .38 and demands compliance with his wishes. She refuses, he demands again ands she refuses....this goes on for awhile eventually she convinces him to put down the gun and hold a knife on her instead.

The truker agrees, he places the .38 on the dash and reaches for his knife. She grabs the gun and holds it on him. He is pissed off and lurches towards her with the knife, she shoots him in the shoulder. He keeps trying to get to her. (I've never been in the cab of a semi-truck but the way she described it there was a console or something that made it hard to move around.) So as he makes another lunge she empties the .38 into him, killing him.

The Oakland PD cleared her and took up a collection to send her home on Greyhound.


The family of the dead man sued her for wrongful death. :fire:

The kicker is that form all the "tolerant" lefty types in the GP office she got no sympathy or understanding. :cuss:

Except from me of course.

OF course it was not HER gun so I don't know if it truely qualifies as a DGU.
"The family of the dead man sued her for wrongful death."

What was the outcome of that suit?

I don't know.

I left to work at another office shortly thereafter and I heard she left GP right after that.

I lost track of her from that point on.
At one time the lack of sympathy from fellow GP members would have surprized me. Then I went to work in health food stores in the East Village of NYC. The typical street-leftist has a surfeit of self-pity and loves their fellow man only in the abstract. This observation was later confirmed when reading several books by David Horowitz, notably "hating whitey and other progressive causes", "Radical Son". and "Destructive Generation". Look at the tens of millions killed by the commies. And still the tenured radicals soldier on...

It was also in NYC that I learned that "Gun Control" is really Criminal Empowerment and Government Private Property Control. Thank you God for moving me back to Texas.
I'm very glad to hear that you got out of GP. What a bunch of nutbars. I'll argue with them if they come up to me on campus, especially if the topic is nuclear energy. Most don't know a thing about what they're trying to advocate.
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