I want a Glock 18! ( Class III info? )

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Sep 2, 2004
Grand Rapids MI
I saw that video of mail call linked over hear from Glocktalk and it made me remember just how much i really want one. But last i hurd Michigan does not allow class III stuff.:mad: But just for the S*** and giggle factor :D how would one go about getting a class III permit? I would not want to be a dealer but just for collections type reasons.
I am not trying to be rude at all. But, the question of how to buy an NFA item comes up at least once a week on here. Check out the thread going right now called "what is the deal with sound suppressors". That thread explains how to buy a suppressor and the proceedure is the same for a machine gun. That is a current thread right now.
You don't need any kind of permit or licence to buy one.
I don't know the laws in the state of Michigan or any local laws you might have to deal with.
I don't know about that particular gun.
I've heard there are less than 5 transferrable glock 18s in the entire country.

But I don't know for sure.
Well, I think the last one I heard of for sale was $30,000. Yes, I got the number of zeros right. I found a Berreta 93R for $25,000.......
Waste of time/money.
I have heard about the same number. Definitely less than 10 transferables in the US.

My understanding is that a Glock 18 sold a year or two ago for over $20k.
If you really want the facts about how many there are, and what they go for, I'd post this question over at Subguns.com
I've got a friend with one - post-sample.

The cheapest way to do this is to become a Class III dealer and then buy post-sample guns. Of course, when you relinquish your license, you have to get rid of it all.

Great googely moogely. What's with all the double taps lately?

MI won't let you get a Title II item to the best of my knowledge. The only way is to actually become a Class III dealer and get yourself some 'dealer samples' that are tied to the business, not to you personally.

Or at least that's how I understand it.
I've got a friend with one - post-sample.

The cheapest way to do this is to become a Class III dealer and then buy post-sample guns. Of course, when you relinquish your license, you have to get rid of it all.

Based on your criteria you can't own a G18. You don't get a Class 3 SOT designation without being a dealer in the business. End of discussion. No Glock for you.
Dang, I feel like there is some deja vu when I read through here... :)

Wish there was a G18 for all of us Glock owners. Should be one free with every purchase.
Here you go...
Mmmmmm 93r.

For an example of how rare the 18 and the 93r really are (hey, that's almost like a rhyme there...)

There's been a few movies with the 93r in it. Broken Arrow for example, and I just had the other movie on the tip of my tongue. ANyway. If you see a 93r in the movies...it's THE 93r. There is only one in Hollywood right now. Kinda like the man-portable mini-gun in Predator and T-2. Same gun...I believe it belongs to Mr. Dillion.
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