"I was fearing for my life" (merged threads)

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Freshman congressmen tend to have little say in the national congress, much less a state congress. If they don't follow the party lines then they don't get funded for their next election. Did anyone watch that KVUE documentary about the Texas legislature where they videotaped congressmen reaching over to someone else's desk and pushing the vote buttons? Pretty much everyone votes on party lines. The Texas legislature might as well just be 2 people. 1 Republican, 1 Democrat and have them run around desks pushing the vote buttons for their parties.
Those two guys were just to borrow some copper pipe to mark out their mumbley-peg field. Wasn't their fault the snoopy legislator stepped onto their field in the middle of their game.

Oops, he a demmo - free pass - obviously he was in fear for his life.
NRA gives him an A- you say?

that was in 2006, which obviously was before the castle doctrine vote. i'm still unclear as to why an A- [in 2006] was not good enough for an endorsement in an apparently uncontested race, though i will trust the NRA on this one. not my district anyway.

there's really just no excuse in my mind for voting against castle doctrine. especially if you're going to protect a home you don't even live in yet with a gun. gotta walk the walk if you wanna talk the talk, right? can't have it both ways.
You guys are forgetting how corrupt politics have become and how voting representatives to vote doesn't even work. Freshmen congressmen are party line voters. They have to be if they want to re-election. Until they have incumbency they're just party tools.
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