If I join the NRA will they stop calling me?

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No, but then at least then you can have the satisfaction of telling them, "Listen buddy, I pay your salary, so leave me the H E double hockey sticks alone." ;)
No, they won't stop calling you.

But every gunowner should belong to a gun group. We haven't won yet and with the Assault Weapons Bill fight starting, we need all the help you can give.
It's amazing how much junk I receive from them.

My membership isn't up for renewal for about 5-6 months, but I've been receiving renewals for about 3 months!!

What a waste!! But maybe some folks take the bait, and the NRA just earns interest on their money.
Gee, that's funny. I'm an N.R.A. member and instructor and they call me once a year at election time and they might send me five or six letters a year. Just lucky I guess.:rolleyes:
There's a phone number a person can call to get a stop on the solcitations. It was somewhere in the back of the magazine.
Ask to be put on "Limited Mailing" list

If you don't want to receive all that mail, call the NRA and ask them to put you on the "limited mailing list."

Those are, I'm told, the key words.
When I became a life-member the junk mail stopped, now only my wife(annual member) gets it. We only get a phone call at election time.
Join! But ignore the desperate pleas. It is not your responsibility to fund every "crisis-response" to real and imagined threats. Best to just tube 'em unopened. If you notice that the mag stops comin', then you need to renew.

I still got junk as a Life, it wasn't til I went Endowment that it ceased. Cheaper to ask to be on the "limited" list.
I don't think they do enough for guns... but obviously me not joining isn't helping so I think I will join. After all it's only 3 boxes less of ammo that I could have shot off at the range.

I'll just tell them the next time they call that I've joined and if they would put me on that "limited" list.
If the NRA stops calling AND sending mail, then its time to go live in that cave in the mountains you've been stockpiling SHTF junk at.

And hope you don't leave a trackable trail or some blacksuited goons from the Brady Gun Safety Corporation will be paying you a visit.

Every time I pull a trigger I thank the NRA for calling me too often.
I'm a NRA Recruiter, do this:

1. Call the NRA and ask to be put on the limited mailing list with NO phone solicitation. You will only get election info and such.

2. Contribute ONLY to the NRA-ILA and NOT the NRA itself when making donations. The ILA can ONLY be used for legislative action. NRA funds are spent on recruitment and solicitations.

3. Should you continue to be harrassed, advise the NRA that further solicitations for funds will result in a cancelled membership.
I dont think junk mail constitutes harassment.

If you dont want to open it, you can always just throw it away.

If you are willing to terminate your NRA membership over junk mail, you really need to re-evaluate your commitment to the Second Amendment in particular, and the Constitution in general.
Guntalk beat me to it about calling the NRA and requesting to put your name on their "limited mailing list".

Any wild guesses as to what radio show on the internet I heard that on. :neener:
Lone_Gunman, it's not so much harrassment as wasted funds.

Most people think their membership dues go to fight the "good fight" not for asking members for more money.
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