If it weren't apparent already, France is our enemy...

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So, what makes you think it would take LONGER to defeat a combined fleet?

More targets require more plotting and communication to make sure there is no friendly fire is all.
The French Government, taking a page from our own DHS has established internal threat levels. Unlike the US the French only have four such levels. They are, from low to high, "RUN," "HIDE," "SURRENDER" and "COLLABORATE."

On Saturday, in light of the Madrid bombing, France has raised its terror alert level from "RUN" to "HIDE."
The Dragon has awakened from his slumber. The middle kingdom complex runs strong in China. 100 year leases under force of guns from the West - and other insults run strong there. Vietnam will be a valuable ally in that region.

Just reading how China is handling the economic portion of affairs is scary. GE just signed a deal that required GE to transfer gas turbine technology - granted this technology is not current, one or 2 generations old, but it is still a leap for the Chineese in that technology. China is forcing more such events. Yup - we are arming our future enemy. As China grows economically, the Dragon will lust for more resources.

Remember - As Germany grew in industrial strength, she needed a stronger NAVY to protect her lines of trade. This scared the hell out of England and led to the Dreadnought race. Interesting how history repeats itself.
Don't be fooled that economic good times are a deterant to war. The events in the summer of 1914 - proved otherwise.

As far as Taiwan - China can take it anytime - without firing a shot and the west will just watch. Look at the panic a little old earthquake did a few years ago. 80 pct of the worlds PC's are made there. I know a lot of US semiconductor firms who get a significant number of the wafers there too. Hostage taking is not limited to people or their pets.
"They WILL take Taiwan when they think they can, and they WILL engage us in
open war as soon as they think they can win."

You spoke the truth........and it is ugly!
and they WILL engage us in open war as soon as they think they can win
All they've got to do is raise the prices of everything sold in Wal-Mart, etc and we'd roll over with a whimper, pay the prices they asked as long as they were a nickel less than something comparable made in America and they'd reap a financial harvest they couldn't imagine.
Or do something to our computer parts that allowed them some form of control or access denial or any number of things.
Nah, it's not really the US they want, they need our money and smarts. It's Siberia they want and really need for resources... and don't think that Russia doesn't know that.
We'll give up Taiwan in a heartbeat with the right President in office in the name of appeasement. Imagine if you will a US President that lived in France for awhile, speaks and thinks like a Frenchman, even dreams in French. "Why Chinar is just a big ol' Panda Bear, lovable and cuddly as can be. They wouldn't hahm anyone. It's not in theyah best interests. 'Sides that, my buddy Billy Jeff told me how to get money from them and how to stay on theyah good side."
France isn't our enemy. But never forget them firing on US ships and troops in North Africa sometime in '42. But they're certainly not our friend... unless it serves them financially. Or hurts us financially. That's Bidness, not War.
The French appear to be suffering from a severe lack of a moral compass. They don't seem to be willing to take a stand against corrupt dictators, or nations with horrible human rights offenses. The greedy people among their government have found that they can make a lot of money by using their influence to shift the policy towards those willing to make it worth their while.

Replace The French with The Americans, or Bill Clinton and Congress.

The statement is equally true.:fire:

We could have made our own plastic Crappolla and cheap tools right here, but instead the wonderful folks in Washington were more concerned with the welfare of the Chinese than that of their own citizens. So instead of investing in high tech plastic manufaturing here in the US, our companies decided to go with the cheap easy answer ousourcing to the Chinese for a quick easy buck.

The result is that the Chinese our largest trading partner now, are equiping their military with the childrens christmas present money we spent this year, and american factory workers are out of a job.

And yes we could do it just as cheap here, but it would require investment and effort which does not leave enough time for skiing in Vale and Golf for wealthy executives, who no longer have an annoying workforce to take up their time.
The French ARE consistent. The motivation for French aid to the rebelling colonies in the 1770's-80's was the same as French resistance to Iraq war: political advantage against the world's reigning superpower. Anyway, the gov't of that provided that aid ceased to exist in the 1790's in that fine example of the fruits of liberality known as the French Revolution.

China needs to be taken very seriously. They hold large amounts of dollars, have pegged their currency to the dollar at a very favorable (for them) floating rate that will ensure that the trade deficit will remain in their favor, are moving toward or have already attained dominence in most areas of manufacturing (except autos), are using their surplus dollars to acquire significant amounts of US government securities, have the world's largest commerical fleet capable of carrying who knows what types of WMD's into all American ports, have more than adequate missile systems capabilities, have been caught (and denied official knowledge of) smuggling drugs and illegal weapons into the US. In short, they got one nut in one hand and are reaching for the other one as we speak and, oh - by the way, they really don't like us very much.

Boycotting wine and cheese is cake, trying to buy stuff that doesn't contribute to China's economy is "Ver' hard, an' ver' 'spensive, mon amie!" Just ask the cowboy action boys lining up to buy Norinco shotguns.
And yes we could do it just as cheap here, but it would require investment and effort
Not to mention abolishing unions, dismantling government agencies, and doing away with laws and regulations that are in direct conflict with the idea of capitalism.

Nah, it's not really the US they want,

No, it's not the U.S. they want.

It's VICTORY over the U.S. that their pride craves. If you don't understand their pride, you don't understand the situation. If you are thinking only in terms of goods and economics and supply routes and those kind of things, you don't understand the situation.

The nation of China will start war with America - even NUCLEAR war - over pride. They are patient in a way that few Americans can comprehend, so they won't do it now. They might not do it in 10 years, or twenty.

But do it they will. As soon as they've decided they can win.
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