If the new ban passes, what will we call our rifles?

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The definition game shifted with the impending sunset of the AWB. Under the AWB the boogie man was the evil "assault weapon." Now that we are considering reupping the AWB or improving it substantially a la Feinstein and Schumer and Lautenburg the boogie man is now "semi-automatic assautl weapon." Way its going shows me any detachable magazine is now demonstration of evil intent so they will be banned // controlled.

The AWB was initially a game of definitions but after 10 years of gorilla dust the likes of FeinsteinSchumerLautenburg are now ready to move toward functionality. Watch carefully any legislation regarding .50 long guns. If the legislation is written around centerfire cartridges it will be clear where they are headed.

Where is all this going? Handguns are evil and controlled. Long guns are being made evil. For now the game is over evil black guns, but make no mistake the change to functionality will target all long guns with a detachable magazine.

That will leave us with bolt-action .22LR as the only politically correct long gun which is exactly what Feinstein has said all along.
If HALF the typing that went into...

this hand-wringing exercise had been expended on writing your Congressmen, we might not even have to worry about it.

Stop it.

Straighten up.

Get ahold of yourselves.

Get busy.

Sarge, I think you do us all a disservice to assume that all we are doing is bitching.

Most of us here are writing congresscritters and senatebums but when the highest Republican in the land says he looks forward to signing a permanent AWB it really makes me wonder if we have a chance in hell of keeping our rights, our guns (and possibly our lives).
No disservice intended...

simply trying to make a point. For every 10 people who complain about a problem, there are maybe three who will DO something about it. We need to ALL do something about ANY proposed legislation that further infringes on our second amendment rights.


"but when the highest Republican in the land says he looks forward to signing a permanent AWB it really makes me wonder if we have a chance in hell of keeping our rights, our guns (and possibly our lives)."

Bushbaby is a politician too, and regardless of what he says, what he's really looking forward to is NOT having to make a decision about signing it at all. The way to accomplish that is to put pressure on Congress (the House in this case) to make sure it sunsets, and doesn't get re-introduced. This needs to be done now. We have cleaned house on the anti-gunners in various elections since 1994 has not been lost on these people, and if any of them have forgotten then they need to be reminded.

No disrespect intended, and I'm sorry if it was taken that way. Simply trying to channel some of the energy available here.
The Republicans know that if the AWB is renewed, permanently, they will have lost part of their core votes. They may win some elements in the middle on a temporary basis, but those are relatively weak, unreliable votes. The gun vote gave Bush Tennessee and even if we don't vote Democrat, I can see a lot of Pro-Gun voters going libertarian or simply not going to the polls. That will hurt both the House and the White House in a big way. A bone-head move such as betraying core-constituents is a great way to lose the election.

Somethin' 'bout dancin' with the one what brung ya...

IMO, YMMV, Nov 2004 ain't that far away...
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