If you had to purchase a new (or used) knife...

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Aug 17, 2006
...and it had to be the following:

Folder... with a...
Clip for your front pocket
Blade 3" or less (state law)
Locking blade

...and planned to be used every single day for every use from field dressing a deer to cutting open boxes to possibly defending yourself once your CCW jams (not that THAT would happen)...

What would you buy?! Or... you already have one and what is it?
Bob Dozier's medium folding hunter in D2 and micarta. sharp sharp sharp and built like a tank.
(good luck finding one, but you didn't say it had to be readily available or under 400 bucks)
second choice small Chris Reeves sebenza
or Phil Boguszewski cobra
Most states have a max blade length law. Most stores carry knives with blade lengths in excess. Most PD's only push the issue if it's actively used in a crime, or they encounter it on a juvenile in a public arena.

I would choose the following features, and let blade length fall where it may on comfortable carry. A drop point, flat ground blade in the better grades, such as ATS34, with G10 fiberglass scales, with a thick linerlock or framelock construction. Avoid any steel labeled 420, except Buck, and fiber reinforced nylon grips, as both are too soft and flexible for serious use. I would also avoid any locking liner that is made of stainless steel. Most inferior knives seem to share those three materials and are priced accordingly.

That ought to knock it down to about 50 or so different knives. The market has a lot of choice right now.

I use a titanium framelock with a blade that has a 3" edge, but the law would consider it 4" from the tip to bolster. Benchmade, Spyderco, Buck, CRKT, and many others make one that can do the job from box cutting to field dressing. The Benchmade Vex and Spyderco Tenacious are both good, even tho sourced from China. Not many others from there deserve your attention.
@Kingcreek - Well, I do hope that I'll be able to buy one before the year is out, so available would be a good thing! As for your suggestions, very... VERY appealing. Just need to sneak it by the wife!

@Tirod - I figured if I start by looking at the size near 3" I should be ok, just don't want to give the local PD any reason to speak to me about a knife I'm using. All good suggestions, and I will take the features you mentioned under advisement.
I have a Dozier medium folding hunter and have used it for 4 years. I have many folders, and some customs costing 2x what I paid for the dozier. If god spoke to me and told me to throw away all but one folding knife, I would keep the Dozier.
They are sometimes available on the secondary market. Bob stopped taking orders but occaisionally makes a few.
My recommendation is a Chris Reeves small Sebenza. Readily available and worth the cost.
stainless spyderco delica partially serrated.
I've carried this one for years and years (+/- 10 years), and it is as close to a perfect knife as anyone can ask for.
Plenty of abuse and it continues to function as designed.
It holds an edge fairly well too.
Watching With Interest

I'm following this with interest, as I don't believe I own any that fit the OP requirement.

My favorite full-sized folder is disqualified on two points: 1) blade is 3.5" long, 2) no pocket clip. I'm really happy with it, and it's in my EDC rotation at the top of the list, but it doesn't fit the req.

My second choice . . . is pretty close. It's a Buck Sirus. I have both the 297 (in 420HC) and the 298 (in 154CM), and it's a real handful of knife. Blade exceeds the stated requirement (it's 3.25" or so). It's an assisted opener, so local regs may limit access. It does have the pocket clip, so it's pretty close.

Now that I think of it, I do have one that could arguably do the job, the Buck Rush. It has a smallish blade, but the gal who works the knife counter at a local sporting goods shop skinned her deer with one last year when she found she had left her big knife in the truck. (Kind of disturbing to see how facile she is with that knife. She kind of brushes her hand by her pocket and magically there's a 2.5" blade sticking out from under her thumb.)

Looking at the Spyderco offerings, I have to say I really like the feel of the Delica, even though I balk at the "hump" in the blade where the hole is. I actually like the Native profile better, and it's blade length is only 1/8 inch longer than the specified 3 inches. I may have to get one of these for myself.

If I didn't have to worry about cost, I'd be all over the Sebenza. Every time I look at one I drool. And I hear hso laffin' in the background.
When I see Natives and Delicas recommended I always wish the OP would give us an idea of hand size. I've bought both of those knives and they were too small for me to use so I gave them away.

Frankly my Small Skinner fits all your needs but it's a fixed blade.
It ain't cheatin' - instead called ingenuity.

The criteria in original post is really not my thing...so...
I am going to holler at hso and JShirley, and let these two decide and mail me whatever they come up with.


Actually, the young lady in question is a medium-petite blonde.

Sunny disposition.

Ready smile.

No nonsense when the topic is hunting.

Good -- really good -- with cutlery.

I imagine that if venison was a kind of fish she could have been a sushi chef.

I have the old Sypderco Calypso Jr. with black linen micarta handle and AUS-8 steel blade.
...and planned to be used every single day for every use from field dressing a deer to cutting open boxes to
The linen micarta is way to slick for any game use, and the blade is too pointy. A nice curved blade is much easier for skinning use. Based on great experience with the Calypso I'd look at another Spyderco as a less expensive alternative to the custom/semi-custom knives already mentioned. You can still find the 3 & 1/4" blade Spyderco Ocelot, which is very similar to their old Tim Wegner designed Hunter. http://www.spyderco.com/catalog/details.php?product=199
I've also carried a 3.5" blade Benchmade Griptilian and enjoyed the heck out of it. They make a smaller 2.9" blade version that I think would also fit your needs well. I like the bright color handle options for hunting knives because you can see them easily if you drop them in the woods; though a more subdued color may fit your under the radar styling better. http://www.benchmade.com/products/product_detail.aspx?model=555HG
Ok, y'all are just killing me with the Sebenza info. I mean it, if money were no object (though, you don't take it with you when you die so why not) I'd be all over that Small Sebenza. Pure utilitarian beauty.

@Valkman - I'm 6'2" 225 with hands that fit the frame (I'm more of a 1911 man) if that helps at all.

Benchmade Griptillian 555HG - I'm liking that one, the handle looks like a nice no-slip option. 154CM Stainless Steel

Buck Rush - Very nice look to it, my only concern is the lack of any grip texture for use when wet/blood or with gloved hands.

Spyderco - The Ocelot has a nice look as well, though with the 3.25" blade I may have to pass. When it comes down to it, under 3" and 1/4" over just doesn't seem like a big deal, but you never know.

Native - Definitely a knife with a look to it. CPM-S30V Steel and just a hair over the 3" at 3 1/8" (80mm). Almost to much of a 'point' to the blade. The curve on the sheepsfoot style blade (Benchmade) has my attention for sure.

Delica - Just having a hard time getting past the 'hump'. If I can get used to it, then it seems like a very good option with the VG-10 flat saber-ground blade.

...now that I reread what I just wrote, can't tell if I'm sold on any of them yet!! Feels like a stong lean towards the Benchmade this morning.

...but that Ocelot does look nice. Just wish those pawprints were not on it, the blade style is growing on me.
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I'd go with the mini-griptiallian from Benchmade. I just got the full-sized Griptilian and I absolutely love it. The blade is razor sharp, it opens up very smoothly, locks VERY solidly. Feels like a fixed blade when open.

I give it a solid "A"
the hump on the delica is a great leverage point and makes opening one handed absolutely simple.
That is just my opinion though, I am biased because I have carried it for so long.

I did buy several replacements (ALL sorts of blade configurations), just in case...if that tells you anything about just how comfortable they are to carry and use (for me anyway).

I'd say find a used beat up knife (no matter what maker or type) on fleabay and give it a try before you buy a good one for every day use.
Ok, question on the Benchmade Griptilian:

On their website it looks like the ambi thumbhole opener is an oval shape:


...but from seeing photos of them on sites like *gag* ebay:


They look like a round hole. Which is it? The oval shape was one factor that was leading me towards getting the 555, but if it is a choice between two folding knives with round holes in the blade, I may just go with the Spyderco VG-10 blade, vs the 154CM blade.

...and yes I've tried to fly the Sebenza flag, but no one saluted!
Both. The Grip comes in round hole, oval hole, or thumbstud format.
I've had several of the type, and a Spyderco Delica is hard to beat. It's rugged, easy to clean, holds an edge, easy to sharpen, ergonomically designed, inexpensive, and it's just plain useful.

I've skinned & quartered 4 deer in one session with one. Did have to touch it up after, though.
I think this one is an incredible bargain ($29.99 @ Cabela's). Easy opening, locks up solid and holds an edge forever. 440C also. I have the full size, but the Mini has a 2.9" blade.
I would get a Native, if it had to be a high-end stainless for not much money. It doesn't get better than that.

If the style bugs you, that Benchmade Mini Pika actually looks like something I would carry, too. And the Sebenza has a really good reputation, though I've never felt like I should pick one up to see if I like it. I have too many other things to spend my money on as it is.

The only lockback I've been carrying lately is a Case Copperlock, but that misses one of your reqs -- the pocket clip -- because I decided that they aren't for me. Tore up too many pants and car seats and lost too many of them to getting yanked out of my pocket. It's quite interesting to hear your assisted opener smack the sidewalk and then the snapping sound of it opening due to the inertia.

Copperlock is a a very nice knife, though it does miss the pocket clip from your requirements. They come in two sizes (I haven't measured my large one, but the small should definitely make your limit, at least), and are available in a nice basic stainless, or carbon steel. They are nicer looking than most of the tactical folders -- attractive bone handles in many colors and styles, besides the yellow delrin one can find sometimes. Depending on your state, where you live, and where you work, it might be worth considering something that looks more traditional.

Not trying to mess with your mind or disrespect your choice, just putting out some other things to think about.
love this forum. . . . .

I'm not quite the fan of Buck folders as Arfin Greebly but you've got to tip your hat to anyone who can use the word "facile" in a sentence. :D Put me down on the list that says Chris Reeve Sebenza - I have never seen a better folder.
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