If you were to magically add a RKBA to some country´s constitution, which one?

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I would have to say

I would have to say England because they have horrible laws that are enabling criminals to run rampant. What were their newest set of Jim Crow-esque laws... Oh yea, no knives...

Come on! Give'em a break.

It is my belief that you cannot "give" a right to anyone. They must feel it in their soul and be willing to fight for it in order to manifest it.

-- John
Great idea for a post.

+1 on Mexico. If people were able to stand up to the corruption there they would feel less compelled to look for a better life here and could start to build their country up.
Johnny Howard took it away in '96, but I am optimistic that RKBA will be restored. Come to think of it, not long ago, the state of NSW passed a series of gun friendly laws, abolishing some restrictions to obtaining firearms. The Shooters Party lobbied heavily for these changes, after all, they have two members in the Upper House of NSW Parliament.
They've got nothing else except beer and cheese and this would give them some bragging rights.
Plus my older brother,a flaming liberal ,was born there and I could slam dunk him on this issue.
+1 Mexico. This is a neighboring country that has major problems with crime and could become economically viable. This makes them a target for crime and corruption. The police are known to have a high rate of corruption. The citizens of that country need to be able to defend themselves from corruption and crime and that will improve our country as well.

But first, they need to have a constitution. They don't. The same goes for most other countries.

That is why the U.S., despite its faults, is the greatest. One document that (hopefully) preserves basic rights, prescribes a system of government, is the law of the land, and is enforceable and enforced.

Why Britain? Because they would learn from our jurisprudence just as we adopted much of British common law starting 232 years ago. Moreover, having a similar constitution with a foothold in Europe would be a good thing - maybe it would spread and we would not be so isolated by our system of government.
Canada. It would be nice to have our neighbor to the North be on our side. Then we can just add it as the 51st state. :D

This would require a true separation of Scotland from the UK but it's the one place I want to move to before I die. Scotland needs to develop a true sense of self-defense.
PLUS+=3 for china =>>But Not for the reason you post-

""But china would be a amazing sight to see, and just imagining 1.2 billion rising up vs the dictatorship warms my heart.""""

Please heed this -I have said it before ---AS I write this My Chinese wife [Law professor / Asst. Dean at Guangxi polyteck university with a Major in Political science]Is chatting On the phone to CHINA-I asked her -Please ask the person you speak to if they LIKE the GOVERNMENT In CHINA--after chatting for a few minutes she came back to me and said --YES THEY LIKE THE GOVERNMENT AND WOULD NOT OVER THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT She further told me that even now the peasants in the countryside like the government ..
Actually I have had her ask many many people this same question answer is always the same . Gun culture is not on there list of important things Like we think of it here. There are millions of other things the common Chinese person would ask for before a gun rights .
I would like to see gun freedoms in china =because I have the opportunity to retire there and live like a king and open a gun shop and shooting range !
But Like retiring to California I would never move there![and cant wait to leave NY stinking state for KY]

""Australia and Britain so they can get their rights BACK.""..=>>

They already have the ability-Neither country has yet to have a civil war!
GB could take back there gun rights -Liberal governments have a LOW tolerance for bloodshed and would fold after a few hundred of there government rights Dictators were shot - REMEMBER -You get the government you vote for and allow to run over you !
It sounds to me like the Majority of British are liberal anti gunners who won the war over there fellow countrymen and imposed a dictatorship[like many of OUR lawmakers would like to do !]
Just as with the "remove 1 gun law" thread, "All of them" is missing the spirit of the OPs question. He's trying to get you to think, not just spit out the obvious answer. All of them may be right, just like all guns laws should be repealed. But giving that answer is not really thinking about the question in the original post.

Another suggestion not in the spirit of the OP but marginally better than "all" would be the EU.

At least there's a constitution going through ratification there - sneak RKBA into it in the dead of night and it'd cut a pretty wide swath.

South Africa is a lost cause, unfortunately.

The British don't seem to be interested (in the main) in having guns for self defense.

So my vote would then go for Australia.
I'm going with the OP on the Russia choice. Imagine what the Russian people could do if their government was less oppressive, not that firearms ownership in and of itself would do that. They need some freedom.
+1 for Mexico. There has been a lot of assassinations there as of late and the people should be able to protect themselves from the drug cartels and the corrupt officials.
Saudi Arabia. First, confiscate every firearm in the country. Next, issue a gun and some ammo to each and every woman and teach her how to use it. Sure would put a screeching halt to all the wahabi krapp.
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