Ill Senate candidate Ryan

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Dec 25, 2002
west burbs of Chicago

IL: We should talk about some other issues of interest to our readers. Let’s clarify your views on the Second Amendment.
RYAN: I am a supporter of the Second Amendment, I think it is an individual right. And where I teach on the south side, we have gun control on almost every single kind of weapon you can have. But we have more people die from Chicago from violence than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. So gun control has been a failed policy.
So my view is to reduce crime and to reduce crime there are two things you need to do: One is make sure there is hope for these children and families on the south side of Chicago, west side of Chicago, where all these murders are happening. We need to give them hope. That goes back to education.
And unless in this new information economy, unless you have hope, you’ll turn to crime. You give them hope through having them understand they can compete in this free and open economy. And the second thing is to return to a values curriculum in the schools.
A lot of good things, as I said before, came out of the sixties. One of the bad things that came out of the sixties was the elimination of the values curriculum in the schools. I don’t mean necessarily Christian or Jewish values, but those values which transcend any religion - honesty, fair play, be good to your family, be kind to your neighbors, working hard, being dependable, all those things. We need to reassert those in class where the children are for most of their waking day. So I think the way to reduce crime is not new gun laws, we’ve proven that now, but by having values curriculum in the schools.
IL: What is your position on the conceal and carry law?
RYAN: There is no federal legislation on right to carry or license to carry. Missouri is the 38th state that has passed those laws. It seems that they’ve been effective in those 38 states, they seem to have done very, very well. We don’t see lots of crime in those states, as a matter of fact, crime has come down. And so, it seems to be effective.
It is a state issue, not a federal issue, but it seems to have worked in the states where the legislation has passed.
IL: You say it seems to have worked . . . would you vote in support if you were given the opportunity to support a federal conceal and carry law?
RYAN: I’d have to look at it the legislation and see how it was written and all that . . .
IL: Are you seeking the endorsement of the National Rifle Association?
RYAN: I’d like to have it, yeah. I’d like the endorsement of every group I can get.
IL: That’s the best I can get on this issue?
RYAN: It would really depend on how the bill was written.
IL: Well, what if you could write the legislation?
RYAN: If I could write it the way I wanted to, I suppose I would sponsor, but I don’t know what language I would use. I don’t have the answer for that.
IL: So you’re supportive of the concept, but you’re tentative about what the content would be. . .
RYAN: (No answer)
The NRA endorses Rauschenberger. I like Rauschenberger better, too, but he'll probably lose the primary to Ryan. If Ryan is the nominee, I won't be terribly sad. He'll be a big improvement over Fitzgerald.

Some of you might remember Jeri Ryan ("Seven of Nine") undergoing a pro-gun conversion a few years back. Well, she was his wife.

The downside to that is what I call the "Elizabeth Hurley Problem." I'm not sure I can vote for a man who would let Jeri Ryan get away. I don't care what she wanted him to do--what was he thinking? That's JERI RYAN. Jeri Ryan is so hot she caused me to watch Star Trek!

Anyway, I'm doing what I can for Rauschenberger right now, but I can live with either one. I think we'll end up with a good Republican candidate, which in Illinois is a welcome change.

The other night they held a debate among the Republican candidates and apparently every one except for Rauschenberger said he would vote to renew the AWB. Rauschenberger was the only one with the guts to say he wouldn't. I found that particularly important because these people won't be required to vote on the actual renewal (they wouldn't be elected until November) and they were still too cowardly to say the right thing?
This is all hearsay, however, as I wasn't able to watch the debate. I'm also not sure Ryan answered that one.
He seems likeable, a handsome, successful, all-american type guy but he is cursed with the RYAN last name. Just like the last repub candidate for governor, the BIG JIM little ryan logo didn't work for him and now we get BIG JACK little ryan for us senate. atleast the repubs are being gentlemen and the dems are beating each other up.
Fitzgerald was pro-gun too until he was sworn in. Any undemocrat will be better than what we've got. Look for tons of money to come into the state in this race.
I also like JACKryan's background and stance on education. I'll work to get either of these guys elected.
From the same site when they interviewed Oberweis:

IL: What is your position on the Second Amendment? Would you encourage stronger gun control laws at the federal level?

OBERWEIS: I went to a military high school, I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and I’m a FOID card holder.

IL: Do you have a gun?


IL: Okay. . .

That was the end of the discussion as far as 2nd amnd issues. His position paper off his web site sounds much better.

I have to disagree with you about Oberweis' position paper. IMHO it's soundbite doublespeak.

Jim Oberweis believes that individuals have the right to self- defense.

On it's face that doesn't sound to bad. But you can ban a whole lot of firearms and still say you believe an individual has the right to self defense. Earlier in the week I heard Feinstein, Schumer, Kennedy and Durbin say things like People don't need military style assault weapons for self defense....Nobody needs a magazine capacity greater then 10 rounds for self defense etc. Every one of the anti gun crowd in the Senate will publically say the same thing. I rate this comment to mean that Oberweis is no different then Durbin on individuals having the right to defend themselves.

Jim believes criminals, not law abiding citizens should be held accountable for their actions by enforcement of federal and state firearm laws, especially when guns are used in violent crime.

What exactly does this mean? Does Oberweis believe that it's ok to have a flash hider on your post ban AR15 as long as you don't hold up the neighborhood liquor store with it? Does he mean that the only firearms laws we should have should address criminal misuse? Well it can't mean the latter, because the next position is this:

As Senator Jim Oberweis will be an ally of the Bush administration to enforce the over 20,000 federal, state and local gun laws.

So he's saying that there are no bad gun laws on the books. If we take this statement literally, he can be expected to encourage the the administration to file a friend of the court brief in Willmette vs. Demar stating that the village has a right to prohibit handguns in private homes. After all, he says he's for enforcement of the over 20,000 existing gun laws. I guess the suffering people in the District of Columbia will never have their RKBA restored if Senator Oberweis has anything to say about it.

Safe handling and useage of guns is imperitive for all gun owners. Jim Oberweis supports training efforts to ensure their safe useage and handling.

Unless this means he's for federally funding the Eddie Eagle program in Head Start through junior high, I'm not happy with this statement at all. Supporting training efforts to ensure safe use and handling from the US Senate most likely means he supports training and licensing of gun owners. Besides my ealier reference to Eddie Eagle, what else could it mean?

Jim Oberweis opposes any lawsuit that holds gun manufacturers financially liable for crimes committed with guns.

Nothing wrong with this statement, but as abusiness owner he most likely supports tort reform in general.

Jim Oberweis knows that hunters and sportsman are vital to America's economy and society. Oberweiss recognizes the important role sportsman have played in wildlife management and conservation efforts. As Senator Jim Oberweis will work to protect the rights of sportsmen and hunters.

The legal sale and safe use of guns is an American tradition that as U.S. Senator, Jim Oberweis will work to ensure

You can support closing the gun show loophole eliminating private sales and training and licensing and still say that you're not backing off from anything you said in the campaign.

I think I know why the NRA hasn't endorsed Mr. Oberweis. I think he'd vote with Warner and McCain and Fitzgerald and still tell us he's standing by his campaign positions. And he'd be right. I don't feel that he's much more pro RKBA then Durbin. If these are in fact his positions we don't want him.

Jeff - who has no idea who he'll vote for in the primary, but knows now, it won't be Oberweis.

Thanks. That clarifies things quite a bit. I'll probably vote for Rauschenberger, but I don't think he stands a snowball's chance in hell of winning.


I don't think I could vote for somebody who would let Jeri Ryan get away either.
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