Illegal aliens arrested at nuclear plant

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When it finally dawns on the average working American that the future is in real doubt.
I am hearing more and more dissatisfaction from folks in my area, which mainly consist of farmers and laid off factory workers. The problem here is we have already lost a majority of our furniture & textile industries as well as a number of other vital jobs.

The companies left behind are down sizing while most are going south of the border. Mean while our communities are flooded with migrant workers, which ultimately lowers wages and increases crimes in our neighborhoods. There is also something wrong when you start seeing Spanish road and business signs posted all over creation. I could go on and on about this- I just don’t see any good coming out of this cheap labor movement, in fact I see trouble on the horizon.
I have yet to see one large anti-illegal immigration demonstration that would require bigtime media coverage.
If there were such a demonstration, the local leftists would dress up as KKK members and participate in the rally as agents provocateurs. The media would immediately start interviewing them so they could play their outrageous quotes on the 11 o'clock news. The "Klan members" would then start a fight forcing the police to shut down the protest. The headline the next day would read, "Anti-immigrant March Breaks Into Racism-Fueled Riot" with a big picture of a klan member burning a torch next to it. Welcome to 21st century politics.

Let's say your scenario's accurate. We're going to let the theatrics dictate the course of this issue? Public opinion is dramatically in favor of curbing illegal immigration right now. Maybe the question is whether a lot of the opposition to illegal immigration is "soft," ready to deflate at the first sign of street conflict.
about to in CA?

you sure we arent already handing them out?
i know there's new legislation, but even now CA DL says on it
"this does not prove elgibility for employment, etc"

supposedly that clause would prevent transfer to DL in other states, but who knows....

at any rate, i think we already let them drive
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