SUE MYRICK’S IMMIGRATION REFORM PLAN "We need to seal off America’s borders!"

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i have no problems believing that number. I've been in central NC where there shouldn't be any MExicans at all, yet guess who the vast majority of the shoppers in the walmart are?:banghead:
Vicente Fox has made clear he has no intention of doing anything to help stop the emigrants from Mexico. They have their rights, says he. I guess he didn't like that barbecue at Bush's ranch? What gives? I thought these guys were simpatico, true amigos, two cowpokes riding the same trail. Oh wait, that was Putin, I get confused sometime.

What more do we have to hear when the President of Mexico is telling us to go to hell? But our President and Congress (most of 'em) are bending over frontwards to give still more concessions to Our Great Neighbor to The South.

Basta! Enough!
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