Illinois - AWB bill dead

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Mar 29, 2004
This was posted on the ISRA website this morning:

Executive Director Richard Pearson writes from Springfield:

I am ready to declare HB990, HB1098, and HB2414 dead for the forseeable future. The only way they could come back before adjounment would be as an amendment to a shell bill. I do not expect that to happen. If we go into a special session the game starts all over again. The same is true for veto session!

Yesterday we passed SB2103 and SB2104 out of the House Ag & Conservation Committee. SB53 and SB57 will come up next week in House Ag & Conservation. They should pass. We will need to be ready to call on those bills when they reach Second reading.

So far the score is ISRA/NRA: 4 Mayor Daley: 0
oh man........

I will absolutely sleep so much better tonight! It's like a weight on my and everyones shoulders has been lifted.....

I'm a very happy person! Lets please keep this thread alive and post any updates if we can.


I wouldnt necessarily call it dead just yet, there still are shell bills out there, also a possible special session and then the fall veto session.

Dont become to comfortable with anything that goes on in Illinois politics.

I wouldnt necessarily call it dead just yet, there still are shell bills out there, also a possible special session and then the fall veto session.

Agreed. It's important to note that Mr. Pearson included the caveat "...dead for the forseeable future" in his statement. As you point out, Cook County legislators routinely introduce blank bills with titles like "Illinois Firearms Act" that they later fill with the text of defeated anti-gun bills. As far as I know, most of these shell bills are languishing in committees, so they are not an imminent threat.

What little wind there may have been in Daley's sails is now gone, but the situation still bears watching.
Congratulations to Illinois - that was a hard won battle in a state that John Kerry won in 2004 with numbers that would make Saddam Hussein blush. Glad to hear gunowners can still fight and win even deep in hostile territory!
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