I'm a bitter gun owner and I vote

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For the last two weekends, at gun shows, I have seen people with the "bitter" T shirts in attendance. You can get them thru the NRA too.

Heck, I know I am better, rather than bitter! I will vote, and it will not be for Obanagun, and his buddy!!

seems some are to worried about what the otherside thinks.is it not time to stiff your back and not worry about the "otherside"
Grant did not care what Lee did he had his own ideas and that was a problem for Lee as he was used to out thinking the generals on the north who he had gone to school with and fought beside.he did not know what Grant would do.
this is not a bash against Lee as he was a very good general.:uhoh::rolleyes:
Interesting takes on the NRA's stickers/signs... In my neighborhood there are six bitter gun owner yard signs, and about 10 McCain signs. Of course, with the exception of one female lawyer, everybody on the street is either current or retired military...:)
Didn't he use the term "clingy" as well. That might play better to the masses than bitter.

"Yes, I cling to my GUNS, and I Vote that way too" or something or other.
Quote: "I don't advertise that I might or might not have guns..."

I certainly can relate to that. Anymore, that could get you searched, or broken into, your car stolen, and possibly unwanted police attention/scrutiny after getting pulled over.:(
I like JackW's better to. Somedays I would like a bumper stickers that says I am a PROUD,TICKED OFF, GUN OWNING PARENT and I VOTE. I am sure that some anti would scream bloddy murder if they saw that on my car. So I don't adversize I carry a gun anymore. I just let them wonder. It's more fun that way.
Obama might not be pro RKBA, but I'll pay a lot less in taxes and have more to buy guns and ammunition.

Not so fast. Wait till Obama taxes ammunition and places other fees on guns. The fees will be outrageous. Then when no one can afford guns or ammo any more, taking away the 1st, 2nd,4th, 5th, etc won't be a problem any longer, because you can't fight back. Taxes right now should be the least of your worries.

Since Pelosi & Reed have been in control, absolutely nothing has been accomplished in Congress. BHO is not only ANTI-RKBA, he doesn't believe you should be able to defend yourself in your own home. Just ask the guy in Willamette IL who spent a year in jail for shooting an intruder.

Sorry for the rant. Back to your regularly scheduled thread.
I am a bitter taxpayer, fed up American, pro firearm, pro freedom, I believe in God although I am not 'religious', believe in the Bible and the Golden Rule for ALL people, I think that most Churches are apostate now, call a spade a spade in ALL issues and I VOTE - the problem is if I vote again... it will be another lesser of the evils choice! CHOICE as in REAL choice? I don't think so.

I never had children but I did have German Shepherds, GS mixed dogs and pound puppies. I need a slogan for that one. Grin.


Yes, I will cling to my guns - thank you very much!

"America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe

Ron Paul was right - I told you so!

Armed and Female
Western Montana
"America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe

Gol-dang, that's funny !
I'm a bitter gun owner. I am fed up with Republicans in Washington who wish to deregulate big business. My Bank is failing........I may lose my job...... Our economy is crumbling........I am voting for Obama. McCain is just another GW Bush...IMHO.
Why is everything that happens GW Bush's fault? What laws has he passed without Congress? What regulations has he implemented without Congress? What the Heck has Congress done to get us out of this mess? NOT A DA%$ THING!

And just so you are aware, both houses of Congress have been controlled by the Democrats for the past 2 years!

Go ahead and vote for someone who has no experience at all, unless of course you count his unparalelled role as a Community Organizer.
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