I'm with the Taliban and I'm here to protect you!

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When I was there, we allowed civilians to own firearms because of Taliban threat. I personally know the punishments the Taliban, and their supporters, enact if they arbitrarily deem you against them. It wasn't pretty. But to keep it on topic for THR, confiscating firearms never leads to good governance. History has shown that for the better part of 200 years.
The Taliban are quickly amassing more power and weaponry than they have had at least until recently. I hope I’m wrong but I feel like they are soon to set up a new state similar to the way that North Korea came to be. You can’t realistically fight against an invisible army that blends in with the citizens of an area. You also can’t fight against an idealistic movement. This is going to get a lot uglier now that the US “mission” has been “ended”. I fear that Biden and his joint chiefs have just given Afghanistan away to see a worse fate than they would have had the US stayed out.

Is the weapons ban complete or are there any exemptions?
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