Importing a machine gun prior to 1968

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Apr 15, 2009
Rocket City, AL
If US citizen X wanted to purchase a machine gun that had to imported from say Europe back in 1965, how would they of gone about doing it? Would they of contacted an importer?

I use the year 1965 as an example because it's before the 1968 GCA machine gun import ban.
Actually, the Gun Control Act of 1968 made it illegal for machine guns to be imported for sale to anyone but dealers or LEO/.gov.

The May 1986 date is when the registry of civilian-owned machine guns was closed completely to those guns made here, as well.

This is the difference between a pre-1986 dealer sample and a post-sample gun. Imported (or reimported) guns after 1968 could only be purchased by dealers, but the SOT 3 can still own them after giving up their license. Post 1986 dealer sample guns can only be owned by a licensed SOT02 or 03 and must be sold or destroyed when they give up their license.
Unless you're an FFL with an SOT, you're out of luck. It would be great if they could be imported in, they sure wouldn't cost so much
He's not asking how to do it now. He's asking what the process was prior to 1968.
I'm just asking it out of curiosity.

I'm living in 1965 and I have some $$$ to spend but can't find a machine gun stateside that I'm looking for. What would I have done? Look up weapons importer in the phonebook? :)
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