Increased ammo sales = increased shooting?

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My club has a lot more new members who are using the pistol range rather than shooting skeet.

I'm shooting less per outing but still try to hit the range at least every other weekend.

I'd like to stock up, but also hope that prices will moderate soon so I won't pay any crazy price I see posted. But ammo prices have gone only up since January.
All I know is I no longer bother to go to my range (American Shooring Centers) on weekends. Luckily I have a day off during the week. Otherwise its jammed after 10am on Sat/Sun. Its all types as well - the usual casual range crowd, hard core gunnies, businesswomen, hippies, gangstas, cowboys - the WHOLE range. Everybody has a gun - everybody is practicing.

Which is why I LUV Texas.
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