INCREASING a .22 LR's Felt Recoil?

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Well, I thank the people in this thread that gave intelligent and thoughtful answers. I even thank the people who quipped in to say to use a larger caliber. I am rather disappointed with the amount of childish and insulting answers.

I know what I asked was a difficult request, but I believed that it was within in realm of possibility. It wasn't like I was asking if I could shoot a 2000 yard match with a .22LR, or if I could use it as an African big-game rifle. I just wanted input on increasing its perceived recoil. I know that with anything internet related I should be prepared to put up with trolls, idiots, and jerks, but some people.... just damn.

At worst this was an interesting mental exercise, at best this could lead to making the .22LR even more fun to shoot.

Thanks again for your time and effort all.
Sorry if some of us offended, you gotta be thick skinned if you play online;)

Maybe you should invent something to create recoil on a 22lr, and get the last laugh!:D
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