Insane footage of missle test

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I think it is a bomb, not a missle. But as to what type? I'm not sure... JDAM or some form of bunker buster is my best guess.

Its a convention of bit actors trying out for the dinner scene in the remake of Blazing Saddles - and one of them accidentally lit a match.

Seriously, it is something that we ought to be mass-producing by the trainload, to drop on the nutjobs in Iran. It is just an :evil: :evil: awesome weapon.

I was worried there for a minute. I thought it might have been one of "our boys" who'd had one too many MRE's, and had a critical failure in the latrine.

If it's "been over a week"... CHEW THE INCLUDED GUM!

MRE's just aren't known for their fiber content.
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