Interesting Time at the Police Dept. Tuesday

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Romma beat me to it, but welcome to CT! It's not as bad here as MA or NY. Hoffman's has a new store + range, +1 for NGE, and Cabelas is ok. Blue Trails & Wolf range are over your way.
sacp81170a, this whole post is about the effort I went to as a private citizen specifically TO obey the law. Having obeyed it, I think I can say it's pretty dumb...

So, let me get this, you walked half a mile to a police station with a legally concealed weapon, completely unaware that in CT that you might not be allowed to carry into that police station? Sounds like whoever gave you your CCW permit failed to educate you on the local laws. Too bad if you think the law is stupid, it is what it is. The statement about "not inconveniencing yourself because of their stupid rules" makes me suspect your attitude toward the law is a little "casual".

I'd say a little more checking into CT laws on your part is in order if things went down as you said. Be safe, carry everywhere you can, but above all obey the rules on not carrying where you aren't allowed, whatever the reason. As others have said, I don't even carry into other agencies off-duty unless I'm announced, and when I'm off-duty I obey all the rules about not carrying into post offices, etc., just like everybody else. It ain't worth the risk. I'm as pro-gun, pro-carry as anyone and I actively teach CCW classes here in AR. I agree that laws about where you can carry that don't have any obvious purpose other than making others feel comfortable are stupid, but by getting that permit you agree to obey those laws specifically. That puts 'em a little above the "I didn't know it was illegal" excuse.
In CT there are only 2 places specifically in the statue, 1) Schools, 2) Courts/legislature. Otherwise, unless the owner of the property specifically states you can not carry (which I've yet to see here in CT), you can carry most everywhere. It is suggested by the Firearms safety board not to carry where alcohol is consumed.
In CT there are only 2 places specifically in the statue, 1) Schools, 2) Courts/legislature. Otherwise, unless the owner of the property specifically states you can not carry (which I've yet to see here in CT), you can carry most everywhere. It is suggested by the Firearms safety board not to carry where alcohol is consumed.

I stand corrected. Still, it was posted and stupid reason or no, you still have to respect the signs. The OP's attitude was good during the encounter, but it seems like he's having a problem with letting go and respecting the wishes of others.
sacp81170a, I read very carefully all of the applicable CT statutes before moving here. I also called the firearms bureau to double check. The only place off limits by CT state law is public school grounds. I am unaware of a courthouse limitation as suggested by distra.

This is a town ordinance that prohibits carry in this one building, which apparently supercedes state law (I called state on that, too). Town hall was fine, so was the DMV. I think your expectation of due diligence on my part is unreasonable.

If you would like to suggest that I have a cavalier attitude towards laws that abrogate my rights, I'm not going to argue with you. However, this entire thread wouldn't exist if I hadn't respected that sign and obeyed the letter of the law. I have no doubt I could have walked in, done my business, and walked out and had nobody be the wiser... but I didn't, because I respect the LAWS even if I don't respect that particular LAW. This is my state now, I take that very seriously, heck, the reason I was in town in the first place was to register to vote.
as you said---you were feeling a bit contrary--corrupticut will do that to you. it may not get worse, but it wont get better either. :mad: welcome and do make the effort to hike the times tower on Avon mountain during the fall foliage. when you top the ridge wave to my range next to the golf course. club rules forbid us to shoot hikers :cuss:
unless their wearing red sneakers :scrutiny:
or lederhosen :neener:
you also have the right to march down 5th Ave in NYC wearing a Swastika on your shirt

I did not realize what that symbol meant to me (born in the UK in 1935) till we went to a show put on by my Wifes school (16 to 18 year old performers?) and the lead actor walked on to the stage in a black long sleeved shirt, with red swastikas on the sleeves! I went cold, a chill down my spine like I had leaned against an ice block.

Things are buried in your long term memory really deeply.

Reference the Police Station carry, never do, except when going to shoot on a Police Range, by invite. I did put my nice 127g WW rounds in pocket to shoot the hard ball they used for practice! Cleaned and loaded, off home.

I see a Police Station as a House, a Cop House.
I once had to go into court for juror duty, and prepped by emptying everything out of my pockets but my keys and wallet. At the metal detector, the Deputy tells me to empty my coat pockets too. Oops, forgot about them, and what do I find but an el cheapo lock blade knife. I tell the Deputy that I am about 2 minutes away from being late. The parking lot is a minimum 5 minute round trip. He tells me to leave the knife in the bushes outside. Really. So I do. Needless to say, it was gone when I got back, but maybe the OP could have just left his gun in the bushes. Maybe we should carry around bike chains. Wouldn't that be a hoot! Gun chained to a tree!
Paramedic 70002,

If I came back out to find someone had taken my full size $1,100 Kimber I'm not sure I would have had a minor reaction ;) Of course, I then would have had to go right back inside and report it.

Thanks to all for the "welcome to CT" comments, It's nice to be here and I'm looking forward to meeting new gun people at the range.

Old Guy, I see a police station as everyone's house. I'm paying for it now, after all.
Police station carry

FWIW, here in Georgia (the USA one) it is illegal to "cross a police line" with any firearm. That mean the perimeter of a police station (which is often in the court house of many small towns) or any jail or prison. Additionally, you may not carry any weapon on municipal property and that includes government owned civic arenas, auditoriums and city halls and court houses.
ah the we violate the constitution state of connecticut i left there 10 yrs ago and havent looked back .. i couldnt take there stupid gunlaws. ak-47 in 762x39 are banned but ak in 5.56 &5.45 are legal thats retarded & you need a permit to buy or transport a handgun what a bunch of asstards. none of their laws have solved any of the crime problems they have in hartford or new haven and most of the cops where i lived [naugatuck] were JBTs.
Sounds like the police at the station handled the situation well. You should try NOT to confuse police/police stations when it comes to gun matters.
Well I am glad you moved safely. You handled it well but I just don't understand the police officer telling you to load the firearm outside with your back to the street. I would have agreed to do it but what stupid rules. Sorry you left NH but CT needs some people to that vote the correct way.

Scott in NH.
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