Ireland. Gun ban... Now being proposed

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Aug 1, 2008

Irelands police force are at the heart of a new gun ban plot. After spending millions of the irish taxpayers euros fighting licence renewals in the courts for guns that were and are still allowed under the law.

These bastards are going for the top prize now in light of the fact that they only managed to block 3% of shooters getting their handguns.

What they have proposed is something straight out of a nazi movie plot!!
They are banning (proposing) all semi auto and pump shotguns which are manufactured so that they can take more than 3shells. All S/A centerfire rifles to be banned! All centerfire pistols that are currently 'grandfathered' to their owners and non transferable to another person in the country are to be banned. All 22lr pistols banned! And all firearms of 30cal and higher banned.

People here won't stand up together and anyone who ricks the boat is see as a nut or a prepper or something in fact they are seen as anything but a genuine gun enthusiast...
Don't forget! We have been looking to reload or own ammo for years and even air rifles need a licence, as do crossbows.

You all have a good day!!
What will they do when, after banning and confiscating the guns.....they still only block 3% of bad guys from getting guns?
They don't correlate the data like that!!
6.5/100 own a gun .48/100,000 die by gun.
Criminals use guns! So make guns illegal and the problem goes away.
Hang around a few years.
If we give the antis half a chance, they'll be doing it here before you know it. Or should I say, trying it here. Hopefully not in my lifetime.
The problem in Ireland is immediately apparent - the word "licensed" preceding any reference to firearms.
Sad news. As you say, the sheeple won't fight it. Pointing out the existence of plenty of illegal, unlicensed firearms in the Northern counties that won't be turned in under this proposed ban is of course of no matter to the powers that be.

Well, this will make it easier for Merkel and the Storm Troopers when they arrive to call in their debts... (actually, a little close to the bone to be funny, sorry...)
Interesting... considering Ireland's long history of brutal control under British tyranny. We (human beings) never learn.
As you say, the sheeple won't fight it.

You're right. They probably won't.
Governments can do this if they do it a little at a time. They slowly chip away rights and generations pass and before you know it there is a ban and no one is in much of an uproar. With each passing generation it gets easier.

Here, they couldn't do it all at once. But if they can chip away at it over the next 50 or 60 years they'll end up doing the same thing. That's why we can't give an inch.
The way some of the states are going (CA, NY), I give it less than 10 years, not 50 or 60. The list of states that have restrictions is growing too quickly in my opinion.
Don't give in, resist anyway possible. I would give some suggestions but this being the high road I'll leave it at that.
So what I'm seeing is if for whatever reason I become a convicted felon in America I should move to Ireland and start cranking out illegal guns and ammo for the criminals at mass in order to make a whole bunch of money. Wow, cool.
So what I'm seeing is if for whatever reason I become a convicted felon in America I should move to Ireland and start cranking out illegal guns and ammo for the criminals at mass in order to make a whole bunch of money. Wow, cool.

Why just the criminals at mass? You think only the Church should be armed? :confused:
That's horrible. I hope there is a way you can try to fight it.

Also, why a Nazi movie plot? Firearms were legal for Germans in the Third Reich. In fact many officers privately purchased their PP/PPK's from gun stores in the 30's and 40's.

But back on topic, I wish you the best of luck.
Not my problem and Ireland does not care what I think. Irish citizens will need to demand their right to keep and bear arms.
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