Iron Wood Designs finishing tips

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Jan 3, 2010
I'm looking to purchase a set for my arsenal ak sgl21. I need some questions answered before I buy. I do know the laminate birch is probably the best wood for that Russian look and swell for the lower handguard.

1. I want the classic Russian red look, which model do I buy. I'm going to call but I was just wonder if anyone had experience with their options. Example do I get the set for the converted saiga or the regular akm stamped receiver.

2. Best finish techniques to get the Russian red look. Or even the dark orange color.

3. What lengths are the stocks for my ak and where to get the standard buttplate to finish it up. Can I use the one from my sgl21-61?

You'll find a complete answer to #2 on their website:

For #1, I think you want a standard AKM buttstock and a converted Saiga handguard, but I recommend you call them to be sure.

For #3, decide between original (soviet) shorter length or the so-called NATO longer length, and order that. I think your original buttplate can be moved over, but again I would call.

Another finishing comment: although the finish they describe is likely the best realistic option, you could get a nice and much easier finish by using "Watco oil" in your color of choice.

Probably either cherry or red mahogany. This finish is available in any large home store with a good paint section. It won't be as water resistant as some of the options like a polyurethane topcoat, however. It would compare reasonably well in durability to a pure tung oil finish, though pure tung oil done correctly (many coats and sanding between each one) will look nicer.
Matt at Iron Wood will confirm, but the best option is to use Rit clothing dye to obtain the color you're after. I use a mix of red, brown, and black dyes, and instead of water I use denatured alcohol. I'll try take a picture later this morning.

Unless the wood is a matched set, you may also want to spend some time with bleach before any dye is applied in effort to balance the darkness of the wood.

Chestnut Ridge Military Stock Dye as sold through Brownells is also great, but you'll be limited to the single color of the dye.
My Yugo underfolder with Iron Wood. These pieces were sold as seconds, but I never did figure out why.





Boiled linseed oil finish, which I think is appropriate for military weapons. Not a fan of the high-gloss tru-oil or laquer on an AK.
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