Is a 9mm enough gun for self defense?

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May 1, 2013
In a recent court case, the defendant used a 9mm hollow point to shoot the the 17 year old bad guy (BG) in the heart at point blank range. The BG lived for a time after the shot and said to the shooter, "OK - you got me."

If the BG had a rock, knife or gun he could have inflicted more harm on the good guy (GG).

This scares me. I will no longer carry a 9mm as a self defense gun.
Ever since I witnessed the failure of the AC-130 gunship to immediately neutralize all imminent threats, I no longer rely on it to save me. I strictly rely on "the bomb" to decisively end dangerous aggressors.

(That was sarcasm. The AC130 is a fine system for the right application, as is the 9x19.)
1) Zimmerman trial is constrained to one thread
2) No handgun can be relied upon for an instant kill
3) Killing is not the objective in self defense
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