Is anyone involved in organized airsoft gun games, paintball style?

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Aug 4, 2004
I've heard that this idea is starting to take hold. The downside is, you have to use the honor system on being hit, but it's FAR more economical to shoot 6mm plastic bbs than paintballs, and less cleanup too. The guns look more real too, for what that is worth. Sounds like a kick in the britches.
It's fun if you have a friend that you can bum an electric gun off of. Those airsoft toys are too expensive compared to real firearms. For the cost of a good airsoft M16 (~$1000) you could have a very good AR15 or Remington 700 with a Leupold scope :eek:

I guess if shooting your friends floats your boat, the real guns aren't ideal. :p
Yep, not into it as much as i used to be since my money's been going to the real thing.
The reenacting side is the coolest aspect.

Check this place out -- created to organize the OPFOR players of the world (instead of the lameness of 2 teams dressed up like US soldiers shooting each other up)
I'd like to, but as boofus said, I can't spend more for an airsoft guns than most of my real guns.

My decent paintball rig cost under $100, cant get a real decent Airsoft gun for that.
~$1000? Yeah, if you want one of the old classic gas powered Airsoft guns. My M1A1 and SR-16 cost me right around $300 and I just got a used AK47S for about $160. Airsoft is an expensive hobby to get into initially, but after you're all set up it's relatively cheap to keep doing.

Texas has one of the largest and fastest growing Airsoft communities in the country. If anyone has any questions or inquiries, PM me and I'd be happy to field them.
Those airsoft guys are nuts. One paintball field I visited had a separate airsoft section and we'd see all these very realistic guns along with the military attitude and ghillie suits. Usually they were adults, unlike the paintball teen crowd. :rolleyes:

I've been out of paintball for a while, mainly because I got tired of being 'lit up' by some snotty rich-daddy 14 year old with a $1000 electro marker, while I'm making do with my $400 mechanical. There's so much legal cheating out there it's not even funny. :banghead:
"Nuts"...I've been called a lot of things, but "nuts" hasn't been one them. Crazy? Yeah. However, I take such things as compliments. :evil:

One of the main reasons I play Airsoft is that it seems to attract a better brand of people. No offense to you THR'ers that play paintball, it just seems that since Airsoft is on honor based hobby, better attitudes usually prevail. I will say that dishonest players do not last long in our community, as we police our own.

All of my teammates are (usually) mature adults, a number of them active, reserve, and prior-duty servicemen, as are quite a few members of the local community.

Chris, there's a team out of VA that my buddy was with while he was there. Might be the guys you saw. BTW, GGB, where are you located? There might be an organization in your area.
Usually they were adults, unlike the paintball teen crowd.

I've been out of paintball for a while, mainly because I got tired of being 'lit up' by some snotty rich-daddy 14 year old with a $1000 electro marker, while I'm making do with my $400 mechanical. There's so much legal cheating out there it's not even funny.

No doubt. Paintball seems to attract the little kids, like Counter-Strike. There is just no fun playing against a 10 year old. Now, last time I played, there were some members of the local National Guard out there. That was a LOT more fun, although I ended up a lot more beat up and painted.

And usually I do it the opposite direction, I play my $60 Piranah against the $400+ crowd. It is much more the guy behind the trigger than anything.

~$1000? Yeah, if you want one of the old classic gas powered Airsoft guns. My M1A1 and SR-16 cost me right around $300 and I just got a used AK47S for about $160.

Still, $300 bought me an M1, and $160 bought me an SKS. I can't shoot them at my buddies, but I can shoot them with my buddies, many of which at college have never shot before (man, those Chicago guys got it bad, imagine their suprise when I told them I can wlk into any gunstore and buy any rifle I wanted, and walk out the door with it and ammo :) ), and make them shooters.

It all depends on your preferences, I guess We did BB gun wars as kids, much cheaper, hurt probably as bad, if not more. Just as tactical, albeit more of a cowboys and indians setting than T v. CT.
You should check out Stock Class Paintball, which is the way it used to be played. Horizontal feed, 12-gram C02, simple guns, less shooting, more movement and use of cover/concealment. Guns arent as cheap, but your use of paint will go way down. I played heavily for 10 years and the "stock class" years were a lot of fun.
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