Is the "gun show loophole" real?

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in richmond the thugs just bring there girlfriends or just send there girlfriends who call them from the show and tell them what they want . ive seen it for myself.
in richmond the thugs just bring there girlfriends or just send there girlfriends who call them from the show and tell them what they want . ive seen it for myself.

Which is already against the law of course. That's why I don't see how having more laws would stop people that are already willing to break the law.
Nationalist & TexasRifleman:

In addition, the girlfriend may be "clean", and legally able to purchase the firearm if checked. Thus any background check at all is a waste of time, and you can bet she's not going to abide by any rule that forbids her to give the gun to her thug.... :mad:

The criminal and terrorist friendly folks will suddenly figure this out after all private sales are abolished by Osama.... :cuss:

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