Is this a good night vision deal?

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Jan 27, 2006
Anyone know anything about this NV setup?

Seems like a nice deal for $300. Don't know what I would use one for but I want one anyways, just because. Any comments or thoughts about this night vision moncular would be appreciated.
I seriously doubt it. Don't buy anything you cant try out first unless you do know what you are getting. I would by Gen II or III gear from a reputable manufacturer like ITT or Litton or a few other big names, but not from an off brand. The quality of this is likely very low...think cutting edge in 1968 technology. It will not look like the movies that is for sure.

That's just an educated guess, all my night vision experience is military gen II to Gen III+ Try out some Gen I and II stuff at a place that sells them locally if you can.

I wouldn't be satisfied with anything short of something like this: which is probably $3500, but that's just because the Army spoiled me. So no night vision for me, I can't afford it. I have seen some good quality gear for around $1500-2000 before (PVS-7B).

There is new digital technology (CCD) night vision that is supposed to be superior to standard tube night vision for 1/3 to half the cost (around $1500), I remember seeing an ad in SWAT every month.

Here is a good site to compare different generation tubes, brands and prices:
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