Is This Too Harsh a Response to Angry Anti's...

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...when they come at me with guns ablaze?:

When people like me were opposing the Nazi's, people like you were voting them into office.

Please don't yell at me if I'm way off base. I'm just trying to develop a very brief, clear and accurate response only to those who really deserve one.
When people like me were opposing the Nazi's, people like you were voting them into office.
Comin' on strong eh? Always hate the Nazi thing, but that's just me. I'd prefer an American themed retort, such as, "When people like me were standing on Concord bridge standing up to the redcoats, people like you were cowering in awe groveling on their knees trying to remain safe and chained by your masters". Or somesuch. Somewhere there's a quote by Sam Adams about licking the boots or hand that feeds you... something like that I'll try to find.
Like I said, I think relating anti's to Nazi's is counter-productive, tho it may be truthful in a way. YMMV
While I believe this statement is true, in almost any sort of serious discussion or debate you just lost. We associate the Nazis with such strong emotions that grouping anyone with them will turn off their brains and begin a shouting match. Now you could say that an Anti's brain is already off but we must try to turn it back on if we ever want to convince them that guns aren't evil.
It's accurate

the Germans,who had little problem turning intheir guns to "fight crime"
voted for the third reich.
The problem is anti's hate history and facts and can not comprehend it's bearing on todays political situation.
The anti will allways bleat "it can't happen here"
I've pretty much given up on converting the hard core liberals, commies, and green party freaks. You can quote CDC reports, ATF statements, FBI Uniform Crime Reports, international reports, personal experience stories, whatever and it will not sway their opinion that guns are wrong. To them 'sensible gun control' is what Feinswine said 'Mr and Mrs America turn them all in'.

Just listen to that bullsh*t on NPR or Pacifika. They support convicted cop-killers like Mumia Abu-Jamal, and claim he's innocent. But treat the average law abiding gun owner like convicted terrorists. Total hypocrisy. Basically I just tell them

'Try to rob me and you will get shot in the face.'

Confiscation is the same as theft. Bleeding heart liberals are just like criminal predators, the only thing they understand is force.
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You da man. :D
Your basic honest to god anti... nothin you can say, nothin you can do... will sway him (maybe, see below). Kinda like your basic honest to god gun owner... nothin you can say, nothin you can do.

It boils down to this AnklePocket... ya look 'em in the eye and say (and I wish I was the original author of this here quote)... "Look me square in my eyes and tell me, Are you willing to die taking my guns away from me?" I've only done that twice after reading it on-line (probably here, TFL or GT) and the dominant individual will watch as the other party looks away first. It IS brutally honest. If they don't blink and are honest and answer "YES" smile and say, "Good fer you. Bring it on" or words to that effect. It's always nice to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Ya might not want to do this with yer boss.
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I try to disengage from liberal neofascists. So I just look at them and tell them to come back when they grow up a bit, otherwise to go breath somebody else's air.
Where's the fun in that? ;) I mean, it beats "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo" and shows a modicum of restraint and all, but don't you like to get them "Yosemite Sam hoppin' mad" just to watch their faces get all red and stuff? :D (I love Bugs Bunny cartoons)
Hehe that's one reason I'm probably voting for Bush in Nov. He's kinda goofy and ain't too bright. But he sure does make those leftwingers crazy.

That alone is enough reason to vote for him for me. Is spite a legitimate reason to vote for a candidate? :D

As long as he doesn't sign another AWB he's almost assured my vote simply for the liberal aggravation factor.
Can I add to your question, Baba Louie, and say "Because, just like millions before me, I'm willing to die to keep my guns. Wonder who's gonna win in the end; you or me."?
And I have fantastic bosses. Not a liberal in the bunch. Most of my customers are pretty conservative as well.
"Taking any property from other people by force or coersion gives the victims a stong incentive to eliminate the transgressor. If you want somebody's guns taken from them, would you be willing to risk getting killed in the attempt, or would you want someone to risk his life trying to do it for you?"

The progression of questions should be: what do you want to do, why do you want to do it, and how do you propose to do it? Somewhere along that line, most people would run into internal contradictions and re-think their position.
Oleg, I think you are one of the coolest guys ever, and exceptionally bright, but most folks don't do a lot of "rethinking" once you guide them, be it ever so gently, to see their own internal contradictions. They just get angry.

In an ideal world, Ayn Rand can suggest, "Examine your premises," and folks do and it all goes right. In the real world, they made Socrates drink hemlock for doing the same thing with more tact than Miss Rand usually had patience for.

I love reason. It's wonderful stuff. But most antis aren't into reasoning. Heck, most people aren't.

Nope, not too harsh because what I usually say: "Go away you stupid Delta Alpha!" is not to harsh in my book either.
An alternative to asking if they will take your guns is to ask if they plan to send men with guns to come take your guns away. In many cases the discussion stops or they say yes. Never had anyone say no, still hoping. :D

Anyway, you can then mention all the wonderful things that happen in police states. Just let history show you the way.

One person was willing to let the police protect him, the discussion ended when I emailed the link to that court decision that basically says "the police can not always protect you."

Simple answer- Just say that in the US they only have those rights they have because men & women acted with force to ensure they had them.Without those people you would still be (subjects) of the British Crown.
It might be true but to a fence sitter or a TRUELY open minded anti, it might come across as too harsh, cliched or just plain silly. Slogans are useful sometimes but they inevitably dumb the arguement down AT LEAST a little.
Invocation of Godwin's Law* is probably not a good idea if you want to maintain a serious discussion ... 'bout as useful as "I know you are but what am I?" type retorts or a quick kick to the groin area ... you don't actually win the argument ... but you do end it :evil:

Oh ... and Herself's comments are about the most clear and brilliant I've seen on this subject of arguing with antis/liberals/collectivists ... bravo!

* Don't know what Godwin's Law is? go look it up :p
I’d prefer an American themed retort.…

“When people like me were freeing the slaves, people like you were voting for secession.â€

~G. Fink, with apologies to my Southern brethren
the best aproach to angry anti's I'd say would be remain calm and combat their exceedingly emotional responses with as dry, accurate, fact based, rational responces. They will continue to get agressive until their attacks are purely personal and angry and BINGO you just won. every person watching the argument will see their side self destruct while you stay calm, respectful, and inteligent. Making comparisons to NAZIs and such will only make it look like you are trying to insight and you will be instantly labeled a biggot etc etc. happened to me ;)
I had a nearly unique experience with an anti-gunner in my coffee crowd. As I approached the group sitting on a gazebo, one said, "He'll know what's going on." As I sat and poured one gal asked, "What's going on in Washington today? Some gun thing?"

"Oh, you mean The Million Moron March? A bunch of anti-liberty idiots are trying to promote our national suicide. That's all. And there is a pro-liberty group gonna be there to counter them." [Or words to that effect]

Boy did it get exciting. One of the old gals in the group had just told everyone how proud she was of her daughter-in-law who had flown to DC to participate in ---guess what--- the MMM! Only she couldn't remember the name of the event. I rendered that little service to the crowd.

I know all these people well and we've been partying and arguing for years. There are three to four retired [now] college profs. Depending on the day. My last job was teaching in a two year college. The retired nurse was the one who's in-law had disgraced the family, one old boy survived pork chop hill years ago. I survived a few years in the air force. A really mixed bag.

It's so nice to slip one in now and then.

I usually refer to "anti-liberty fools" or "national suicide advocates" in any rights discussions. Last 4th of July I came up with the "Liberty Rap" that I recited for about forty of the same type of folks gathered on the lawn of one retired prof to watch fireworks. One "verse" in that said "Oh, the gun control and the loser lobbies. All that anti-liberty crowd. You're [mr. congressman] paying too much heed to them. They're screaming too damn loud." That got rave reviews.

It doesn't do anything for liberty probably, but it feels good to rub their faces in their own crap once in a while.

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