Is to much guns to much "serious thread"

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Jun 9, 2003
Tonight i went over to my friends house and he was asking why i haven't been around as much.I just told him i have been busy with work ect.But to tell the truth when i get home i get home and research guns and try to figure out what I'm gonna purchase next "i only have 4 rifles and one pistol" but I only make 10 bucks an hour at my job and keep contemplating what i need to get next "Pistol for sure" because i only have a 9mm jennings pistol that i dont shoot because i feel its jamming isnt safe.and need to get one for home protection and just to plink around with

I feel that in this country a person who is safe with guns and knows how and when its ok to use them "cant have to many"

I feel my social life outside of work is nothing besides guns..Should i take a break from guns ect..

I cant forget it all at once or anyting just maybe cut back.I dont want to become a person who only thinks about guns all the time....Should i just quit guns for a few days and go to my friends house and get drunk and talk about how work sucks...
Just my opinion, man, but too much fixation on any one thing can't be healthy.

I mean, I admit to becoming fixated on a certain knife or gun for a few hours, and I understand what you mean about getting into researching a new purchase...but what you describe seems like it's more of an "extended" deal.

Just me, but if I started neglecting my friends and family for any length of time, I'd be concerned.
My advice would be to get one more inexpensive but dependable handgun. Maybe an EAA Witness or Ruger in 9mm, .40 or .45. They are easy to find for $300 or so.
Another option would be a Kel-Tec P-11 (9mm) for $225 new or $175 used.

Taurus or Rossi revolvers can be found for a decent price, too.

Once you have a decent handgun, maybe you'll feel less obsessed.
If you don't have a .22, get one. Really cheap to shoot and maybe you can find some shooting buddies to socialize with.

good luck!
It's good to mix things up once and a while. Talk to your friends for a while - humans are social animals and need social contact to function.

But I know guys who are somewhat reclusive in their hobbies. One guy likes models, and has his own "private" room where he paints and prepares them. This other guy likes to fix up old cars; he's always working on some project. Everyone has "their thing", and there's nothing wrong with that.
Very good point. If you feel depressed, talk to somebody about it.
not depressed at all but just think i need a break so later im going to the coast and gonna go to the casino...LOL "wasting money i could be spending on a gun" :)
When I started getting into shooting and firearms I was also spending quite a bit of time looking for the next purchase or trying to fill the gaps in my collection. I still have a wish list, don’t get me wrong. Now that I have the “bases covered†(almost) I’ve decided to become more proficient with the firearms I have. Having a safe full of guns/rifles doesn’t do me any good if I’m not any good with ‘em.
Go spend your casino winnings on a dependable handgun and LOTS of ammo. Decide what you need/want your firearms for and practice ‘til its second nature. Whether its sporting clays, defense, target, hunting…whatever. Proficiency with a few quality pieces will probably serve you better than an arsenal of unused guns. $400 will get you a nice dependable handgun. Look at the folowing:
Beretta 9000
Springfield XD
Used Glock
S&W 908
Magnum Research Baby Eagle
Just about any Ruger

Take your friends and family shooting. ;)

Should i just quit guns for a few days and go to my friends house and get drunk and talk about how work sucks...

If you feel your becoming obsessed, then take a break and do something else. Like others have said, once you have improved your collection you will probably become less obsessed.

Just don't get drunk and then start thinking about your guns...
I wouldn't worry about it. If you enjoy shooting and reading about gun it's a hobbie. There are tons of hobbies out there, but we are made to feel like some anti social freaks because our hobbie involves something that isn't PC.

I have friends that spend every waking minute looking at working on or reading about cars, models, computers, aquariums, or photography. None of them get the same looks or questions that I get when I'm asked about what I do in my free time.

As soon as I say I go shooting, clean guns and read about guns I get looked at like I belong in a mental health hospital.

OH yea,Get a Ruger P95, you won't be sorry. It was my first hand gun in a time that I couldn't afford a hand gun. It has been 100% reliable and the aftermarket 15 round mags are fairly cheap and reliable.
because i only have a 9mm jennings pistol

Dude, you're not supposed to admit that sort of stuff here. ;)

I'll second the Ruger P95. I managed to pick up a used (LNIB) one for $200 a couple of weeks ago.

Check with Fishermans Marine, they were selling Ruger P95's for $299. After the rebate that brings the cost down to $259.

Good Luck
I get obsessed about most things I get "into"... just the way I am, always have been, probably always will be. Still on a guns thing, well, actually I feel pretty set with guns now, but I'm becoming a rifle junky at this time. Next up will be shotguns, I'm sure!

Before firearms, I was obsessed with motorcycles... before that... guitars... before that, it was model airplanes...

I still enjoy all of these subjects that I've "moved on" from... but if someone starts talking Guitars or R/C Planes, all that time I spent obsessively learning about them comes instantly back into play - just like riding a bike, I'm pretty much instantly right back where I was. Just doesn't take up all my free time anymore.

One thing I think a lot of people fail to keep in mind is keeping priorities straight with all this stuff. I'm started realizing a few years back that guns and motorcycles and all that are only PART of what I need to be putting my money toward. How many rifles do you really need, considering all the options you have?

Buying a house, saving for kids (someday, maybe) and for retirement (though 30-40 years off) are real priorities that I think each person should spend at least a little time 'obsessing' about early on, to prevent problems later or missed opportunities.

I'd be curious how many people here would continue buying "toys" (defined as beyond what you need for self defense) and renting a house their whole lives, rather than saving a bit to invest eventually in a chunk of dirt and wood that later you could sell.... and buy 2-3 times the number of toys with the proceeds. Gotta keep that time dimension in mind... we're only here on this planet for a short while, make the most of it.

Saving $100/month toward retirement (ROTH 401K) or a house can have a big impact over a period of time. Folks in Washington, Oregon and California are welcome to contact me for an excellent financial planner who can help you get on the right track.

OK, seriously, sorry to get on a soapbox. I'm really preaching to myself, reminding myself why I'm delaying gratification!
I hear ya! I found myself doing the same thing. It takes a while, but I've cut back some and found other things to occupy my time. Like the old saying goes...everything in moderation! ;)
Sven .......

Hey ..... sounds like we'd have a ball .... BS'ing over a beer or three!!! You pretty much mentioned the same three big interests of mine. Guns of course is very high and .... I have more than I can shoot a lot. I do though gain great pleasure from the ownership, as well as useage. Sorta like ''well - nice to have ''one of everything'' '' :rolleyes: :D

Then .... well - motor cycles. Hmm .. another passion of mine. have ridden round the world I guess three times and recently got a new cruiser ...... any excuse and I'm out there!

Finally .. you mentioned the magic words ''R/C'' models! I am an avid flier and am hoping to get it on tomorrow morning again. just added gear to a beaut airframe a buddy in my club built .... and which i was successful at gettin him to sell me.

Hardly on topic (mods forgive this indulgence) ...... but here Sven is the new one ... runs a .75 cubic inch motor. Rolls so tight you'd never believe!:)



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i need a break so later im going to the coast and gonna go to the casino
bd <--- Two thumbs up!
Great idea. Seriously. Over the last 2 years I've spent a lot of $$$ doing just that. I look at it as a good way to keep things in perspective.

I mean honestly,,,where else in the world are people more equal than sitting in front of a slot machine?

That machine (and the casino too) don't give a hoot what color, race, age you ugly, how attractive, how moral or immoral, whether you're a "Stand-up" kinda person or a sleaze. All it (they) care about is that you have the coins to feed it.

Guns/slots = same thing? The great equalizers?
One says you have to work to take what's mine, and the other says I have to work to take what's yours.

:)D Anyhow,,,makes a good story to tell my wife about why I spend so much time in WV at the slots)(LOL! I halfway believe it too)

P95Carry and Sven,,,,
'bout the R/C planes ----



Ok, sorry, I'd never really do that but I can't help thinking of things as targets,,,
Well i know god wants me to buy a pistol because i won about 500 bucks there..I never win there...hit 600 bucks on a dollar maching.And cashed out at 500..LOL this is a good day
Chet: Congrats! Way to cash out ahead... takes discipline!

My advice (not solicited, but... ) is - with the proceeds - stick with the affordable, reliable gun, and then get ammo and... more importantly... training.
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