It Came!

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Yeah Indiana won't win any prizes for nice looking permits...but we do have good ones. No open carry in Indiana so you have to have a this same permit for that too.

A note on timing. My wife, who has a pretty high end federal security clearance from a civilian job she used to have with the Navy, got her Permit in two weeks from them getting their money order. I found that kind of interesting as I know of no one who has ever gotten even a renewal anywhere near that quick...and she is a first time permit holder! Coincidence...I don't think so:rolleyes:
As long as I retain oil and mineral rights, I have no problem with it.

Oil rights? Dang....

I'll think about it.

Yea Josh, long time. Hope all is well with you and your family!

At least you don't have to renew your CCW like I do every 5 years.

Maybe one day the USA will be all 'Vermont' carry. Now wouldn't that be cool.

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