Ithaca 37 DSPS Value

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Dec 25, 2002
Lost Angeles
I wanted to get some thoughts on the value of a Ithaca 37 DSPS.

It was made in 1980. It's a 5 shot. Parkerized. It was bought new in 1980, went into a collection, and the owner is debating selling it. It has never been fired.

I've been dying for a nice '37 for a while and frankly I haven't come across one in this condition. It doesn't have a box so it's not NIB, but...

I know the Ithaca "Y2K" guns were going for about $400.

Used 37's are about $210 ~ $250 in my parts.


it's mine

Well I bought the DSPS.

I take it home on April 7th. 10 day wait, but not the other PRK silliness effecting new handgun purchases.

Can't wait to put a few rounds downrange. I love the way 37's handle.

I love my Ithaca's. It's one of the only 'hand-made' guns on the market now. They still make them the old-fassioned way. They are also the ONLY gun that I'm aware of with all steel and wood, no plastic or aluminum parts at all. (Well, maybe the front sight) The one major problem with the Ithaca is user related. If you don't take your finger off the trigger and rack the slide, the gun will go off. Not a problem if you intend to do this. You can shoot this shotgun VERY fast. It is a problem when you have incompetent LAPD trainees pointing loaded guns at each other.
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