It's just a friendly neighborhood raping...

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Sidelight on OC/pepper spray in CA - so long as one stays at the 2.5 oz containers, no permit needed for OC or 'tear gas'. It's only handguns, and only for CCW in public places, that bring up permits.

Everything else is one of
'forbidden' - e.g martial arts weapons, concealed fixed-blade knives carried onthe person
or, like 'assault weapons', must have been registered by the appropriate date
or 'mostly ignored', e.g folding knives

Most of that stuff is lumped into PC 12020.

Not that OC is much of a solution in this case, as already pointed out.
Being a drunk is the sbsolute easiest way to become the victim of a crime. I suspect that the encounters against persons that you listed involved the victims being intoxicated. Being a drunk college student in a big city just screams "hey look at me, I've got cash, maybe some drugs, the cops wont listen to me, and I am going to leave town in a couple months anyways". If he is serious about not becoming a victim the first step is to stop acting like one, then (and only then) does purchasing a pistol make sense.
So THR, what advice do you have for my buddy?
These incidents should have woken your buddy and his girlfriend up to some fundamental truths.

No personal offense to those who like a beer, a glass of wine, or a tipple of rum now and then (I do, on rare ocasions); "the party scene" is often the beginning cultivation of people that commit crimes like those described.

He would do best to avoid "the party scene", and all those who live in and around it, and substitute some sane young adult friends, and get involved in other activities in place of "drinking heavily on weekends" - and leave modern pop culture behind.

Shooting ought to be one of those activities.

I'm in full agreement with LAK. If your friend is into the "party scene", I doubt he is responsible enough for a firearm. However, because of the serious crime rate in the area, I would recommend OC spray. If your being irresponsible with a gun, people die; with OC spray, there’s only serious discomfort. OC spray is no substitute for a firearm, but it is better than a gun accident. Leaving the party scene and becoming a responsible gun owner is the best choice. I hope him and his friends stay safe.
From the article posted:

"The response by the police was outstanding and immediate," Mayor Jerry Sanders said at the news conference.

It is nice but I wonder what they say when they cannot get their quickly. It seems that I would rather have a gun in my hand rather than a cell phone in hand when the SHTF. I doubt the police chief wiil issue them permits.
I used to live in San Diego.

Actually, Rancho Penasquitas, close enough. I was stationed at NAS Miramar. Mission Beach is not a good neighborhood. Pretty lousy, actually. Lots of theft, B&E of the homes on the beach, drunks out and about at all hours and the general riff-raff of the "surfer" scene. There are apartments a few miles inland that will be cheaper and in better neighborhoods. His car insurance will be cheaper, too.

As has also been mentioned, the recent and violent crimes should be enough to break the lease. If not, I know a few good ideas for "lease breaking parties" that have been used by friends and acquiaintences in the past.

Mission Beach wasn't good fifteen years ago when I was there. I doubt it's gotten better.
It sounds like he might be able to break the lease.

That being said, I don't think it's right to call him a drunk, or say he has a drinking problem. He's a college guy, and this, while unwise, is not unusual behavior. I would tell him to get a lock box with a numeric key-pad, put a gun in it, hide it in his room, and keep his mouth shut. His room-mates don't need to know he has a gun. Give him the benefit of your experience and educate him as to the fact that you don't fondle your guns if you have been drinking.

When I was that age, my friends and I all got guns at about the same time. We also got a little rowdy on the weekends. Our fathers had taught us enough to know that guns are to be left alone when there is drinking going on, and we respected that. If you think he'll listen to you, you might think about that.

And tell him to MOVE asap.
Beating a dead horse: say a guy invites a girl over, they get drunk and guy locked up&girl banged then the guy isn't worth to be called a man. If I call someone over I'm responsible for their safety in my house. And especially if the neighbourhood is rough and high-rate (especially burglary/rape combos) I'd definitely be sober and aware what's around me.

Seems your friend is just a beach-boy, hippie, not caring for himself or his guests: I want to have party, I want to have fun and ignore everything evil, if I do what mr. Badguy says I'll be allright.

If your friend wants to live there he must get his act together or his GF will be soon banged with other coeds, since the man is too drunk and his pants too full of crap to actually be able and willing to protect her.
I just don't understand why ANYONE would want to willingly render himself to a state where his body and especially his MIND are impared especially around others or in a public place! :confused:

(Of course, I have documented "issues" with alcohol....)
His best options are to move or change his lifestyle so he's not as likely to be victimized.

A gun isn't going to do him much good at this point.
Well, for one, crime is going to happen no matter where you go. My wife and I found our current community through the internet and all our research suggested it was a good area. Well, a month after moving here, there was a highspeed chase that ended in the complex. Then there was the armed robbery outside of the entrance gates (#1 reason I don't stop when swiping my card), and then there were two burglaries last week...and this is a 'professional community'.:rolleyes:

For two, I would suggest other means of self defense for your friend. I look at the situation like this: His main concern would be a home defense scenario, not neccassarily a personal defense (read: mugging) scenario. So there are other deterrants that can be used for home defense. Secondly, your friend seems young, like a party guy, living with other party perople. Unless your friend can overcome his nervousness of firearms AND excersise total responsibilty AND get his roommates agreement on a firearm...I'd advise him to think of something else. Just too many bad elements that can lead to an awful situation.
to the thread that said "get a safe and keep your mouth shut'
alchohol is one of the best "tongue greasers' known to man.
I agree with the general oppinion this kid needs to grow up fast or continue to looking over his shoulder. And maybe find better roommates
Maybe a Taser would be a good option for him. They are legal to carry in CA.

$399 gets one with two cartridges
$599 gets one with an integrated laser, 4 cartridges, and a training dvd
$999 gets one with 6 cartridges, laser, a training dvd, and a certificate for a training class

all come with a carry case.
Sounds to me as though he doesn't really care for his girlfriend's safety, doesn't really want to do anything but party, and isn't really committed to a positive lifestyle. I for one don't accept that college life requires drunken, irresponsibile behavior. I've no sympathy for him if he doesn't move and quit his partying. I'm hoping his "girlfriend" will drop him and also begin a more responsible lifestyle.
I don't suppose anyone in the house is trustworthy enough to take a weekend off and be "on watch" as it were, so there always someone unaltered on site?
Hey Wacki, I am a recent college grad and I had a pistol and CCW for 2 years while in college.

In his situtation I think a pistol is the best option (although other less-than-leathal options would be good for on-campus and party carry). Shotguns and rifles are very big and obvious if you live in a place that gets a lot of traffic from roommates and guests. A pistol with one of those small, single pistol safes can be kept secure and out of sight until you need it.

I also drank pretty heavily in college (on the weekends), but before I would go out or open a beer, my gun was unloaded and locked in the room. If I came home and found people drinking, I would excuse myself to my room, remove and unload my gun then lock it in it's case. It is not hard to drink and party yet still be responsible with your firearm.

Like other people have said, you are extremely vunerable when you are drunk. My room mates and I would allways have one person to look out for us. Either a DD if we were going out, or some one who stayed mostly sober if we were drinkng at home. This person would watch out for the group, keep us out of trouble, drive somewhere in an emergency, take care of drunk/sick people, and kick drunk/sick/troublemakers out of the house. This job sucked, so we would rotate it around, but it kept all of us safe and out of trouble.
Life is all about choices.

Behind curtain number 1: Drinking heavily enough on weekends that you become a vulnerable victim.

Behind curtain number 2: Deciding that personal protection and responsibility are more important than pissing away the weekend in drunkeness.

Which will he choose?
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