I've been informed when I go to get my permit, the guy doing the printing asks "why?"

Proper response to "why do you want this permit?"

  • A.) Wish I could carry a cop, but a firearm seems easier...

    Votes: 95 31.3%
  • B.) RTKBA

    Votes: 105 34.5%
  • C.) None of your business, kind sir...

    Votes: 104 34.2%

  • Total voters
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QUOTE "Do you know ASL by chance? You could just grunt and sign to him. Then, if it's obvious he doesn't know sign language,"

Yeah but what do you do when he holds you there till they get the qualified interpreter that Deafs are entitled to under ADA ?

I don't know a single Deaf person that wastes time trying to sign to a hearing. They just hand the cop a card that says they're deaf & don't speak English
I don't think that I was ever asked a question even close to that. In fact I later e-mailed an officer asking what their duty platfrom/load was.

G-22 180 Golden Saber.

As luck would have it I had a box of 180 grain Golden Saber so I put it in my USP.
because paying someone to carry it around for me takes all the fun out of it and isn't tax deductable.
Don't be too smart in your reply. If you make him too mad your paperwork could "get lost". Even trashed. You know, "these things happen" is a common response to delayed paperwork. Just give him the required "to protect myself and family" answer and be done with it.
Ummm... I'm with Tinygnat-

Why are you getting fingerprinted?

(Note, I'm in Virginia as wel...)
Apparently in Suffolk, VA...my hometown...(this coming from a fella who applied today for his CHP), the police officer, a Lt in this case, who takes your prints is going to inquire as to why you feel compelled to apply for the permit.

As others have rightly said...

In an ideal system where your response will not dictate the result of the application process (ie. what a "shall issue" state ought to be), the answer I would want to give would be, "Why do you feel compelled to finger-print me?" :fire:
Hokkmike is right on the money. A true and honest answer. You may not like the reason why and what he asks, but a civil and direct reply will get you in and out. I was asked in Pa. My reply was "protection". His reply was to make sure I got a good holster and have a great day. Bam, done.
I am stationed in Norfolk - they knew the exact reason I was getting fingerprinted. The woman even commented "many military get their CCWs" and was quite pleasant. I voted B because it behooves us to be advocates and not to alienate those who inquire.
I think a polite answer is always best. No reason to antaganize someone over a simple question. For all you know the officer supports RTKBA and is just interested in a fellow believer.
I wasn't asked anything but the verification of my address in VA. Was asked what I was carrying at a roadblock once. I told the officer that I had a short barrel .357.

His answer was COOL!! :D
Wait, is the cop asking why you need a CCW permit, or is he asking why you need to have your prints taken?

I can undertand asking why prints are being take. He might need to mark a long, and certain types are free, others (like just for your own amusement, or for background check for a job) are billed.
The question was why you feel the need to get a permit NOT why you carry a gun.

My answer would be because if you carry without a permit there are severe legal penalties for it.
QUOTE "Yeah but what do you do when he holds you there till they get the qualified interpreter that Deafs are entitled to under ADA ?"

Have even more fun with both of them, of course!
Express an understandable need

A friend of mine was asked "Why?" when he applied for his CHL in NH. He replied "I carry large amounts of cash." If the chief of police, who makes the decision there, had investigated he would have found it wasn't that much cash since my friend was just a cable installer.

I would reply "I sometimes carry large amounts of cash after I cash my paycheck."
I'm not rich enought to hire Blackwater and not important enough for the Secret Service or the State Police protective details. So I have to take care or myself and my family.
When I went to my local police to get fingerprinted for a non resident florida permit. The woman doing the printing asked me " what are these prints for"

I answered " For a Florida Concealed Carry Permit"

She said with a snotty tone. "Oh Your one of THOSE people."

I did not say a word. Continued to follow instructions, said thank you and left when it was done.
When I applied for mine there was a line that said: Reason? I wrote protection. Plain and simple. 3 days later, it was mine.
Just for reference, the form for a non-resident Pistol Permit (CCW) in NH states:

"A license to carry a loaded handgun may be issued for PROTECTION or ALL PROPER PURPOSES. One or more of these reasons must be noted on the application, in the space provided for reason(s) you make application to carry a pistol in New Hampshire."
PunchDrunk: I had the exact opposite experience. I went to apply in Montgomery Co (where I rent for 8 months of the year, but still have my address of record elsewhere) and the two folks at the court-house were genuinely upset that they COULDN'T give me the permit. One guy even commented that he was truly happy that I was a Virginia Tech student and hadn't let last year turn me off to wanting to get the permit.

A couple have asked if the officer is asking why are you getting printed or why are you getting the permit...the fella that applied yesterday said that he was asked in a tone that made it clear that the officer wasn't necessarily a fan "why do you feel the need to get this permit?" At the same time, he said the guy was pleasant enough, and obviously 99% of the answers he could give would be nothing more than food for thought for the Lt. since he was just taking the prints...

I have no intentions of being rude or condescending or even preachy, I was mostly just posing the question to see what other's thoughts might be.

As to why are they printing me at all? Dunno, in Suffolk they do, in Montgomery Co where I'm currently at, they don't. No real rhyme or reason.
If you do A or C (I voted A), then PLEASE record and post his response (microcassette in the jacket pocket) on here as a .wav file! Good luck and nice short list! :)
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