IWB Holster, Thumb Break or No Thumb Break

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No thumb break-

on the IWB holsters I make I use a tension device, that combined with the fact that your pants and belt are putting tension on the holster I have not had an issue.

I prefer open top holsters in general for speed and simplicity and only have used thumb breaks on duty holsters.
No thumb break, they are totally unnecessary unless required by your employer. A well made IWB holster will retain your pistol under practically any conceivable condition. My 3 Max Con V's sure do. A thumb break is just an impediment to rapid deployment of the firearm.
No Thumb Break and my ample belly puts enough tension on it to make sure the gun is retained very well.:D
No thumb break; it tends to print more with those. The only place I want a thumb break or some kind of retention is when I can open carry and/or I might frequently be in a situation where the gun could be dislodged (hiking/climbing).

no thumb break

For IWB a thumb break would be pretty weird. Who's going to pull up your shirt and then grab your piece?

Open carry might be a different matter ... if you will be openly carrying around hostile individuals, constantly (like some LEO's) then maybe a retention device is worth considering. And, I think this is where civilian and LEO needs are different.
I carry IWB

and I dont use a retention device. But I have the patented FRD, the Flab Retention Device. It holds the gun strongly and snugly in a coccoon of processed cheese and twinkies. I use it for all my guns.

my suggestion, get a great belt, a good IWB holster and have several portions of banana cream pie and pepsi and you too can use a FRD.
While I expected to see the majority of users say that they wouldn't go with a thumb break, I guess Im a little surprised to see no one say they like the thumb break, figured that the "active" users might choose a TB, granted a number of the responses did mention that they have "FRD's" built in.
(I myself would fall into that catagory :p )
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