Jimmy Buffett

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Dec 27, 2002
I know the guy is a liberal and some people(there is a rumor, though I haven't seen it for myself) don't like his music. But in his book "A Pirate looks at 50". He lists things that he sees as essential when he travels. Among these are a 1911A1 .45 and a shotgun. I also find that those are good things to carry. He actually went into more detail on them but I don't remember what they were. Just wanted to let ya'll know he's not all bad politically speaking:D
Honestly, if you look at his opinions on issues, he's more of a libertarian (little 'L'). He's probably just one of those who has bought in to the stereotypes, or is confusing conservatives with Republicans.
Come Monday
Cheeseburger In Paradise
Why Don't We Get Drunk...
One Particular Harbor
Pencil Thin Moustache
Grape Fruit, Juicy Fruit

...just to mention a few! :)
Honey...whyyyyy don't we git .....

sober and shoot.

I wouldn't care if he was Castro's lover...I 'd still listen to his music.
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Back in my early Merchant Marine days we used to swap his tapes around the ship.Good tunes then and good tunes now.Does'nt he talk about his plane getting shot at in one of his books?Seems that someone mistook him for a smuggler. I also recall that he has gone quail huntring with the likes of Jim Harrison and Guy deLavaldene(sp).
I 've been to Margaritaville, Jimmy's OK. He don't like guns pointed at him (who does?), has no problem with sailors who need to protect themselves offshore, prolly a "l"ibertarian. Hard a'lee. (skull & cross bones smilie here)
A few years ago, the 2000 pres. election I think, he had a photo op/fund raiser with all of the area Democrats over here. He's a dem, maybe a pro-gun dem, but a dem none the less.
He always struck me as a combination of libertarian, limosine liberal, with a touch of rich guilt. Most of the obtuse liberal political stuff I chalk up to the need to be sympatico with the holywood/music industry liberals to be successful in his busines. .
Hank, I haven't read the book. And I'm still working on getting my MP3's out on the internet. ;)

I have this problem that shrinks call "earworms"---songs that stick in your head all day and sometimes all night.

I also suffer from insomnia which, coupled with earworms, makes for an interesting combination. Imagine waking up after two hours sleep and having Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell" in your head. Hard to go back to sleep with that. Sometimes two hours sleep is all I get.

For three nights this week I've had Sonny and Cher's "I've got you, babe" keeping me awake. A few other nights I had the now-Cadillac jingle, "Been a long time," by Led Zepplin. At 3am, that sort of makes you wax nostalgic for Lawrence Welk.

A couple of weeks back, it was Jimmy Buffet's "Margaritaville."

And, if anybody here even mentions a song by The Sex Pistols, well, I'm just going to have to shoot that SOB. :eek:
heh, heh, heh... you made ot just TOO easy, Dick! How am I supposed to resist temptation like that? ;)

And yes, we DO have things to get going. Let me know when would be good for you, and I'll try to make it down that way.

House is goin' great, although it's turned into something of a zoo: three cats (with four more coming from dad when he sells the house), two snakes (my common boa and a friend's ball python), and now five ferrets. Needless to say, things are NEVER dull... :what:
Good to see that there are a few Parrotheads around here. You can't forget his song "12 Volt Man"
Now you know where my name came from :D

Phins Up!! ~~~~~^~~~~~~
By the way, Jimmy has a new book coming out in a few months. He is a great author as well. One of only a few to be number one best seller in fiction and non-fiction.
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