John Kerry's a Hunter and a Sportsman

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Vern Humphrey

Dec 30, 2002
Deep in the Ozarks
So says an ad in the Stone County (Arkansas) Leader, paid for by the local Democratic Committee.

Among the reasons for vote for Kerry, it extols

"The Right to Own Firearms.

"Kerry-Edwards will support the 2nd Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, including rifles and shotguns."

I suppose this means all handguns will be confiscated the day after he's inagurated.

How stupid do they think we are?
Y'see, they're like our Gun Control Network. They don't know that most gun owners aren't as stupid as the people who actually listen to them.
How stupid? Our state's NRA/ILA lobbyist emailed me about some concealed carry matters last night. In the email, he vented his frustration with an NRA Life Member he'd been talking to who refused to believe that Kerry was anti-gun.

Why do you think that politicians stage photo-ops where they eat the food of the area (pizza, bagels, cheese curds, etc)? It's because stupid people look at the photo-op and think the pol is one of them.

The general election will be taking place just about the time that the deer season in Wisconsin--one of the tossup states--begins. Maybe Kerry should get out in the woods with his double-barrel shotgun and crawl on his belly to show our state's hunters that he's one of them.
Kerry says he supports the Second Amendment "as interpreted", which means he beleves that only the National Guard has the right to have guns.

No one seems to have noticed, but a Federal Judge in the District of Columbia declared the D.C. National Guard illegal. In ruling on a petition to overturn D.C.'s ridiculous gun laws, the judge said that the 2nd Amendment applied only to a state militia, which is the National Guard, and that since D.C. is not a state it cannot have a militia.

I wonder when a few folks will wake up to the implications of that judicial nonsense.

Next person who tells you that Kerry is pro-Second Amendment, ask him to tell you ONE bill that he's voted on that proves it. He won't be able to find a pro-gun bill Kerry voted for or an anti-gun bill that he voted against.

Actions speak louder than advertisements.
Unfortunatly there are several hunters and gun owners I know that will vote for Kerry. Not for his stance about guns but because they are just tired of Bush.

I for one will gladly vote for Bush and encourage others to do the same.

I'm not a great fan of Bush, mostly his domestic spending tendencies bother me. But the idea of any hunter/shooter/RKBA person voting for Kerry baffles the hell out of me.

makes about as much sense as Jews for Hitler.

I think Outdoor Life and F&S did gun owners a big disservice by printing a large article on interviews with Kerry and Bush.

They asked real softball questions to kerry and printed what he said without relaying the truth on Kerry's record on gun control.:banghead:
Monkeyleg: I'd pay a lot to see John Kerry and his accompaning SS guards out in the woods in hunter orange 3 pc. suits... :)

Rob62: Tell 'em to vote Libertarian! :)

It reminds me of what a friend told me he saw outside our local gunshop. A car with a bumpersticker that said "Insured by Glock", and right next to that one is a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker. :scrutiny:
Next person who tells you that Kerry is pro-Second Amendment, ask him to tell you ONE bill that he's voted on that proves it. He won't be able to find a pro-gun bill Kerry voted for or an anti-gun bill that he voted against.
Senator Kerry is against gun control like Senator Kennedy is against alcohol.
Next person who tells you that Kerry is pro-Second Amendment, ask him to tell you ONE bill that he's voted on that proves it. He won't be able to find a pro-gun bill Kerry voted for or an anti-gun bill that he voted against.

Said person will note that John Kerry voted for things like the Brady Bill, assault weapon ban, "closing the gun show loophole" (or whatever), etc. etc...

...and then go on to explain why those measures actually help law abiding gun owners.
It reminds me of what a friend told me he saw outside our local gunshop. A car with a bumpersticker that said "Insured by Glock", and right next to that one is a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker.

He should roll that up in one bumper sticker -- "Insured by Glock, for Kerry-Edwards, and REALLY confused.":D
"Deer", he replied. "I go out with my trusty 12 gauge double barrel, crawl around on my stomach. I track and move and decoy and play games and try to outsmart them. You know, you kind of play the wind. That's Hunting."
(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 5 2004)

March 2, 2004 (where's that darned photo of Kerry w/ Feinstein, Schumer and Ted?)

If I hated Pres Bush so much to vote him out of office, I'd throw my vote away on Nader long before I'd vote for Sen Kerry.
"Deer", he replied. "I go out with my trusty 12 gauge double barrel, crawl around on my stomach. I track and move and decoy and play games and try to outsmart them.

So THAT'S my problem! I'll have to remember to crawl around on my stomach next season -- although I manage to kill deer very well using more conventional methods. :D
Here's how that crawling around on his stomach works.

He gets within range, and shoots the deer in the hoof. While the deer is on the ground writhing in pain, Kerry rattles off all of his positions on Iraq. The deer, going mad listening to the constant flip-flops, grabs Kerry's shotgun and turns it on himself.
Here's how that crawling around on his stomach works.
He gets within range, and shoots the deer in the hoof. While the deer is on the ground writhing in pain, Kerry rattles off all of his positions on Iraq. The deer, going mad listening to the constant flip-flops, grabs Kerry's shotgun and turns it on himself.
:D :D :D

i want him to teach me how to crawl around on my hands and knees to hunt deer.
Dont forget to bring your $10k over-under Gordy...

Here's how that crawling around on his stomach works.
He gets within range, and shoots the deer in the hoof. While the deer is on the ground writhing in pain, Kerry rattles off all of his positions on Iraq. The deer, going mad listening to the constant flip-flops, grabs Kerry's shotgun and turns it on himself.

*furiously searches for the rofl smiley*

Are you sure the deer wouldn't be bored to death before he could make a grab for the gun?
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