Judge Orders DOJ to Release Spying Records

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Armedbear said:
Looks to me like it is another case of half-educated American people gone mad, lashing out at whatever they can, while the world moves on. And it looks to me like it is a case of media gone crazy in the quest for ratings and excuses to bash the Bush Administration.
Half-educated is right: can't read COTUS, can't read court decisions, look at facts as malleable, ignorant of foreign surveillance as practiced in the last century...I could go on.

Armedbear said:
I don't even LIKE the Bush Administration, but I find myself defending them, not because I want to, but because I think that a lot of the attacks on them border on insane.
Similar feelings and motivations here.

I did not even vote for GWB in 2000. But I saw what complete fruitcakes the Dems had become and the backstabber they nominated, so figured to pull the lever for the (Truman Democrat in Republican clothing) in 2004. The big "L"s had gone even nuttier than usual, marking them as unfit for grown-up responsibilities.

The attacks on GWB have gotten even more irrational as time marched on and BDS has its way with folks' minds.
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