Just how inelastic ......

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 3, 2003
South PA, and a bit West of center!
are the rules when it comes to just crossing a state line with CCW?

On a point of technicality ...... if I leave PA by a few yards .. and enter MD, OH, NJ or NY .... I could be in deep doodoo if still carrying .... but I remembered that last year when wife and I were biking .. I ''strayed'' into MD ... just.

Then thought ''whoops'' .. and did an about turn to get wheels once more back into sanity.!!

Now, on a bike it is well difficult to comply, certainly with MD laws, because hard to have gun locked in trunk and ammo separate! ... so no MD for biking, which is a crying shame.

I dare not even contemplate having a hollow point round on my person in NJ! :rolleyes:

But ... just how mean will cops be if you ''stray''?? I assume the worst.:(
It's probably like the whole 7-mph over the speed limit thing. There's nothing in writing or official that says that they can't zing you for 5-mph over, but they are a little flexible because they have better things to do.

Basically, you better hope that the cops have better things to do than turn you into a "gun-welding domestic terrorist."
I don't know about everywhere, but the minute Missouri finally got CCW, Illinois officials were falling all over themselves to remind the St. Louis press that if we drive across the river with a gun, we'll get locked up.
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