Just showing off what used to be possible

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Adjusted for inflation $45 in 1965 would be worth about $340 in today's money. You did good.

Lots of guys look back at the costs of old guns and mistakenly think everything was much cheaper "back in the day". They just don't realize how little people earned then either. Over all an hours labor will buy most people much more of anything today than an hour of labor in the 1960's.

The problem is that there are so many other things that people just have to have today. TV was free, today lots of folks pay over $200/month for cable and internet service. Cell phones and their expenses didn't exist, people ate at home and traveled less. People make plenty of money today, it is how they choose to spend it that leaves less for guns and ammo.
On one of Bill Bryson's book (thunderbolt kid), he points out that if we wanted to live with 1950s lifestyle we would only need 50 percent of what we currently earn. I've never forgotten this.
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